Your Kids Can Take Virtual Art Classes That Require Minimal Supplies
Parents across the country are realizing just how hard it is to be a schoolteacher. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, schools nationwide have closed their doors and parents are taking their kids’ education into their own hands. However, some teachers out there are doing the most and uploading educational videos to social media in order for their kids (and kids around the world) to continue their education without being in the classroom.
One such teacher is Amy DiGi, a member of The Art Students League of New York. On Thursday, March 26, Digi went live on Facebook to teach her first art class of the self-isolation period. Her half-hour-long class was called “Fine Arts for your Fine Tots” and the lesson only required a minimal amount of supplies so that kids all over could get involved.
“‘Fine Arts for your Fine Tots’ is designed to teach you three activities you can do with your tots while expanding their fine arts education. Minimal art supplies are needed and can be found around the house,” The Art Students League of New York posted on Facebook ahead of Ms. DiGi’s class.
Using paper, string (or “maybe a charger cord”), light, a writing implement, and tape, Ms. DiGi taught three short art lessons aimed at kids aged 3 through 7, and their parents. The lessons revolved around the art styles of Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, and Reggio Emilia.
“Ms. DiGi is leading the way for #LearnArtLIVE, part of an upcoming slate of online programming that the League is creating for all of you artists during #QuarantineLife,” a March 23 post from the The Art Students League of New York reads.
This week, Ms. DiGi will return to The Art Students League Facebook page on Thursday, April 2, at 2 p.m. ET, to teach yet another half-hour long lesson. You can head over to the League’s Facebook page and give it a like so that you’ll see Ms. DiGi pop up in your feed come Thursday afternoon.