A Mid-Century Houston Ranch House Is a Rainbow of Happy Hues
Name: Devon Fan and my partner Matthew
Location: Glenbrook Valley — Houston, Texas
Type of home: Mid-Century Ranch House
Size: 1844 square feet
Do you rent or own your home? 3 years, owned
Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: Our house was built in 1957 in what is today the most intact mid-century modern neighborhood in Houston. Moving into this house was the first time that my partner Matt and I had been tasked with decorating more than 500 square feet. Almost everything you see is used and from the mid-century or earlier. These items come from all over: online, thrift shops, antique stores, friends/family/ancestors, estate sales in our neighborhood.
We try to be mindful about every item that crosses the threshold, down to the tiniest tchotchke (a rubber figurine of Mr. Mischief that I have had since I was a child). Things that are important to us: keeping things clutter-free, not taking the house or ourselves too seriously, and creating a space that makes us feel relaxed as soon as we walk through the door. We are both homebodies, so that is especially important to us!
Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Colorful mid-century macabre.
What is your favorite room and why? If I had to pick one, I’d choose our bedroom. We don’t tend to plan our rooms’ overall vibe; we plan out what furniture we need, find that furniture, and the aesthetic sort of reveals itself. If the bedroom had a theme, it would be Sinister Art Against a Peacock Blue Backdrop. Matt’s pick: the dining room, or Citrus Tones and Shag. It gets beautiful light in the afternoon, which illuminates the orange wallpaper.
If you could magically change something about your home, what would it be? I’d wave my wand and all of the wood trim, cabinets, and paneled walls that the previous owner painted would magically go back to their original wood grain.
What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home? A small kinetic wood sculpture of a balancing man on tripod legs. When you push him, he twirls and floats all around without falling over. No one can resist giving him a push whenever they pass by.
Any advice for creating a home you love? I know what I would tell myself three years ago: Be patient. It takes time to create the right space, and it isn’t worth getting something if you don’t absolutely love it. There are items that you will still be looking for three years later, but the search is part of the fun!