A Creative Layout Makes a Small NYC One-Bedroom Apartment Feel More Like a Two-Bedroom

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Living room sofa area. Luxe depth Italian sofa in grey turquoise from Restoration Hardware. Luxury faux fur throw from Ethan Allen. Antique Persian Rug. Art from art.com

Name: Katy Kasmai and my daughter
Location: Upper East Side — Manhattan, New York
Type of home: Apartment
Size: 800 square feet
Years lived in: 2 years, renting

Dining lounge area. Table from Ethan Allen. Upholstered bench from Ballard Designs. Art from Sonic Editions.

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: I share this apartment with my tween daughter. She has the bedroom and I’ve turned the large living room into my studio space. I needed the living room to do a lot, both for myself and for my daughter. I found the best way to do that is to start the design mostly from scratch with all new furniture. Every piece of furniture had to fit the space just right or it wasn’t going to work.

Bed area. Bed, bedding and side tables from Restoration Hardware.

My inspiration came from high-end hotel rooms where it feels inviting, comfortable, chic and it doesn’t feel like there’s too much going on in the space. Since there’s not a lot of space, it’s important to make sure there’s a lot of well-made pieces with great layers of texture as well as reflectiveness for light. I wanted a bright space but I didn’t want an all-white space either, and that’s tricky to get right.

Home office nook, complete with adjustable standing desk and Herman Miller Aeron chair.

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Elegant Manhattan lounge.

What is your favorite room and why? While my daughter’s room is super cute and a totally different design, I do love my studio space. It’s elegant and fully functional for everything I need. I can work, party, and unwind all in the same space.

Bed area. Bed, bedding and side tables from Restoration Hardware.

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home? 1. Custom ordered gorgeous moss panels handmade by @mossbossnyc. They bring some much needed green and outdoors into my space during quarantine. 2. Herman Miller Aeron chair for this new world of working from home.

Home office nook, complete with adjustable standing desk and Herman Miller Aeron chair.

Any advice for creating a home you love? Your space has to tell a story that makes you feel good and is representative of something you admire and aspire to. Mine tells the story of a sleek, successful and yet rock ‘n’ roll Manhattan woman, and anyone who comes in this space can tell that she lives here.

This submission’s responses were edited for length and clarity.