5 Reasons You Should Add a Round Mirror to Your Space
Did you know the mirror, as we know it today, was invented fewer than 200 years ago? According to LiveScience, in 1835 German chemist Justus von Liebig coated a pane of glass with a thin layer of metallic silver and successfully coaxed out mankind’s inner Narcissus for decades to come. Since then, mirrors have come to be a solid fixture in interior design and, more recently, round mirrors seem to be challenging the rectangular norm (and for good reason). We think round mirrors are here to stay, and here are five reasons you should consider adding one to your space.
1. Space
Mirrors are an age old tool in eye trickery. Whether it’s making a magician’s assistant appear halved or a living room appear doubled, a mirror’s ability to facilitate optical illusions of space can’t be matched. If your living space is small, adding reflective surfaces is a must for making rooms feel larger and more open. While this goes for mirrors of all shapes and sizes, round mirrors are an unexpected shape that will feel like more of a design element than your conventional rectangular framed variety.
2. Light
It’s easy to forget that mirrors reflect more than just the objects placed in front of them. Light is refracted and bounced off of the mirror’s reflective surface, meaning it basically acts as an additional light source. What’s better about mirrors than lamps or sconces is they have the ability to reflect natural light (which is always the best). A round mirror can increase the cool, natural light in your space while adding a warmth with its rounded edges.
3. Balance
Quick science lesson: By nature, mirrors are hard, reflective surfaces. That means adding one to your space may make it feel a little stark. Good design is all about balance and choosing a soft, round shape to balance out the angular nature of reflective glass is an excellent way to achieve a harmonious aesthetic in any room.
4. Unconventional, Yet Timeless
For some reason, rectangular mirrors have been the norm for the past few decades. While round mirrors have only been a trendy staple for the last couple years, don’t discount them as a piece that will soon look dated. Right now, a round mirror will act as an unexpected element that will add interest to your space, but its simple, classic shape will likely stand the test of time (unless it has a chevron-patterned frame or something…).
5. Round Shapes are Calming
According to Science Focus, “A 2011 eye-tracking study found that at five months of age, before they utter a word or scribble a drawing, infants already show a clear visual preference for contoured lines over straight lines.” As humans, we view angular lines as hard and harsh, while curved lines are seen as gentle and quiet. Adding round elements to your space will subconsciously calm the mind and create a serene atmosphere.
Versatile, and universally appealing in their aesthetic, you pretty much can’t go wrong with round mirrors. Would you consider swapping out your angular mirrors for a more contoured option?