10 Cheap Things from Target You Only Need to Buy Once for Your Apartment
Moving is always a hassle. So occasionally, in the interest of time and effort, you get rid of some of your cheaper stuff, vowing to re-purchase it once you settle into your new place.
In college, when I moved from dorm to apartment to summer sublet, I did this in the name of making my move-out process “easier.” A small ironing board I only use on big interview days? Tossed in the donate pile. A slew of colorful hangers I can buy from Amazon next semester? Into the recycle bin. It wasn’t until college life was behind me that I realized this wasn’t the best way to move.
Now, when I move from apartment to apartment, I have a running list of cheap items that I always take with me. This way, I only have to buy them once — and the best part is: they’re all under $20. Here are the trusty Target items that travel with me during every move: