This Toilet Paper Tube Hack Solves Your Most Frustrating Home Office Woe
The Instant Pot! Your blender! That new air fryer you just got! The number of kitchen gadgets we need to plug in has increased dramatically, even in just the last few years. Know what else has increased? The number of cords that go with them. Add in your phone, laptop, and AirPods, and you’ve got a whole tangled mess of electric cords! And they’re most likely on your kitchen counter or jumbled up in your home office. But we’ve got the perfect solution to untangle you from that mess.
Use Empty Toilet Paper Tubes to Organize Electric Cords
The next time you finish up a roll of toilet paper, rather than toss that empty cardboard tube straight into the recycle bin, you should give it another life as a cord organizer! It turns out, a humble, empty toilet paper roll can make your cord situation so much better.
Here’s what you do: Wrap cords neatly and tuck them into an empty toilet paper tube. Then, just label the tube with the device it charges in order to take the guesswork out of identifying which cord goes with which item. You can even add colorful washi tape to spice it up! Nest your cord collection in a box, or in a kitchen or office drawer. This act of tidiness will help you locate exactly what you need, right when you need it.
In addition to corralling loose charging cables (and the extension cord for your slow cooker!) that might otherwise be cluttering your kitchen counter, you can also use toilet paper tubes to neaten up the cords that are still attached to your small kitchen appliances. Whether it’s the electric cord from your stand mixer or slow cooker, errant cords are messy and can make it hard to pull out appliances or put them away. Storing appliance cords inside toilet paper tubes gets them completely out of the way.
This post originally ran on Kitchn. See it there: The Last Thing You Should Do with an Empty Toilet Paper Roll