I Just Discovered This $2 Trash Can Hack, and It Makes Cleaning My Kitchen So Much Easier
Every once in a while I come across a hack on my social media feed that’s so smart, I can’t believe I haven’t thought of it. And that’s the beauty of creativity in the digital age — I’m constantly blown away by brilliant tricks and tips others have shared online. And the trash can hack I discovered recently is no different (and so easy to do!).
In a recent video, creator Cindy Hendler (@cleansnob) shared her simple but game-changing trick for making cleaning in the kitchen, or elsewhere in the home, so much easier. She added caster wheels to the bottom of her trash can so it’s easier to mop or sweep around, keeping her floors cleaner than ever.
Not only does this simple trick make it easier to get under and around the tricky spots surrounding the trash can when you clean, but it also makes moving it a breeze when you need it nearby. Chopping onions and don’t want to run across the kitchen to toss the scraps? Bring your trash can to you! Trimming a plant’s leaves in the living room and don’t want the dog to get into the pile of dead fronds? Roll it right over! “It’s hands-free, saves your back, and just makes life easier,” she says in the video.
Hendler shows how she puts four small caster wheels on the bottom of her metal trash can in a matter of seconds, and it is ready to roll. You can use separate round adhesive pads between the bin and the wheels, or you can make it a little easier on yourself and go for self-adhesive caster wheels (for less than $2 a piece!).
All credit goes to Hendler, but I have to note that it’s a similar trick pro chefs have been using for years. By putting trash cans on top of caster dollies, or cabinets on top of caster wheels, moving things around (and cleaning!) in the kitchen is made infinitely easier. And if pro chefs do it, it’s got to be smart! Add caster wheels to trash cans all over your space for streamlined mopping and sweeping, fewer backaches, and a more functional home.
Buy: Self Adhesive Caster Wheels, 8-Pack, $14.98