Twitter Asked People to Share the Ugliest Things They Own, and the Replies Do Not Disappoint
Who knows why we end up with the weird items that we do. Sometimes, it’s inherited and handed down. Other times, it’s a “feeling cute” that turns into “wish I could delete later.” Regardless of the reason, there it is, in your possession, and you have no idea what to do with it, so…you keep it. But we have great news because it finally can serve a purpose—as content for this Twitter thread.
One Twitter user sent out a call into the universe for people to post a photo of the most unattractive thing that’s in their possession. If you need further clarification as to what that might mean, the person went on to say “Something so vile and awful that you can’t get rid of it, because you know you’ll never own anything as ghastly ever again.”
And the tweets did NOT disappoint. From an “evil shell cat” to a glittery dolphin clock and everything in between, users from across the globe happily shined the spotlight on their most disturbing home items to date. While we would never call any home item “ugly,” these definitely make our eyes go a little wide.
But also, this impresses the shell out of us.
But kudos for not breaking your son’s heart.
If they’re happy with the purchase, we’re happy for the purchase.
We’ll pass on the whole curse thing, but thanks for the offer!
It’s amazing how one’s taste changes over time.
But what’s its story???
It’s the thought that counts, after all.
Chip from “Beauty and the Beast” has some competition!
Keeping an object that terrifies you is bad, but family guilt can be worse.
This one really does leave us speechless.
Talk about a hot commodity!
“She gave it back to me because she loves me so much.” Hmmmm…
Every cat deserves a home.