This Renter Added Warm Paint Colors to Spice Up a Dated Apartment
Name: Deborah Rouse and Yoki, my 5 year-old rescue Terrier/Chihuahua mix
Location: Silver Spring, Maryland
Type of home: Apartment
Size: 900 square feet
Years lived in: 1 year, renting
Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: I live in my 900-square-foot apartment with my dog, Yoki. This apartment was not a favorite when I first moved in because the building was constructed in the 1950s and the windows and walls look it.
Adding paint, art, and plants made such a huge difference. I was wary of painting the walls as much as I did (and I am not a professional painter at all and there are so many mistakes and smudges lol), but my apartment has gone from somewhere I tolerated to a place I now love.
I am more of an introvert and love being at home. I am also artsy and I have loved art, as well as the color orange, since I was a child. I’m just naturally drawn to this color and I feel so at peace when I am surrounded by it. It’s warm and has soul and spice to it. It’s probably too much for some people but it makes me happy, so I’ve embraced it in the color palette of the apartment. The plants are very complementary to the color I feel, and I just enjoy the beautiful contrast.
Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Very orange, artsy, cozy, colorful, and comfortable.
What is your favorite room and why? The living room by far. It was the place I was able to be the most creative, it’s where me and little Yoki spend most of our time, and it’s a beautiful place to be when the sun hits the walls and plants around 4:00 in the afternoon.
What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home? The Berber Moroccan rug I purchased for the living room. I was just browsing and happened upon it and it was love at first sight. It really warmed up an already warm room the room and it’s just very pretty to look at.
Any advice for creating a home you love? Fill it with whatever brings you peace and contentment. Your home has to be your haven, so take the time to create a space that you feel safe and joyful in.
This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.
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