10 Everyday Items Under $25 Everyone Needs At Home
There are a handful of products I use at home every single day. I don’t always think to sing their praises, and often forget they are there. But they are essentials nonetheless, without which I’d be decidedly unhappier. Here’s a list of ten non-flashy, basic things I can’t live without.
Japanese Washcloths
Salux Nylon Japanese Beauty Skin Bath Wash Cloth, $12.49 for a pack of three
My friend Michelle introduced me to Salux, a brand of Japanese wash cloths, and I am addicted. They are on the stiff scratchy side so you really feel like you are sloughing off the dead skin cells each time you use one.
Rechargeable Batteries
Between remotes, wireless mouse, and camera, batteries get sucked up in my household, so I constantly have a charged set ready for use. I shudder to think how much I’d spend on buying the disposable variety.
Cloth Napkins & Towels
Utopia Kitchen Towels, $12.99 for a set of 12
I use cloth napkins for every meal, and tea towels for all my messes. These are great because they are basic, utilitarian and can be used for either purpose. Use them to clean, or for a simple meal at the dinner table.
Herb Keeper
If you love using fresh herbs for your cooking and cocktails, you’ll love these things. It keeps things in the fridge useable for a much longer period of time.
Step Stool
Cosco 2-Step Folding Step Stool, $18.99
Short people understand the necessity of these guys. Suddenly there’s a higher plane available to you, and reaching things is no longer a problem. It’s a household essential.
A Decent Pillow
Pretty much everyone I know has a pillow preference. I like mine about as mushy and flat as they come. So while this particular pillow might not be for you, there are plenty out there to choose from under $25. I know better than to pick just one.
French Press
Even if you’re not a coffee drinker, chances are that most visitors you have are. Don’t feel like you need to go out and buy a bulkier, expensive machine—a French press is an elegant way to brew a cup and you don’t even need to keep filters on hand.
Comforter Corner Stays
Corner Keepers, $14.99
Creeping comforters have to rank up at the top of lists of really annoying things that bother you every day. Enter these little gadgets which iron on and keep things in place. There are also clips that do the job.
Bed Risers
Slipstick Bed Riser, $14.99
You wouldn’t think six inches would make a big difference, but these open up a whole new world of storage under your bed. So much more fits underneath.
One Really Good Cookbook
Everyone should have that go-to book of recipes that they return to again and again at every meal. And the James Beard folks aren’t wrong when they recommend this one from our partner site, Kitchn.
This post was originally published September 10, 2015. It has since been updated.