This Cozy Kansas City Home Has Loads of DIY Details, Including Cool Paint Ideas
Name: Miranda Wulfekoetter, husband, three kids, and cat, Azzy
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Type of home: House
Size: 1000 square feet
Years lived in: 2.5 years, owned
Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: My husband and I bought this house and downsized in 2018 after I decided to leave a job I was really unhappy in. I wanted to spend more time with our kids, and in order to do so we had to sacrifice some square footage. I knew I wanted to give this 1954 ranch home some more personality and immediately started a DIY journey.
I have tackled this house one room at a time with a budget of basically $0. The watercolor walls were my way of creating a wallpapered look for about $3 a room (mine and my girls’ room). Almost everything has been thrifted, repurposed, or painted by me. We are about to finish our walkout basement, and it is one of the first times we’ve hired REAL professionals. I’m pumped.
I am always influenced by nature and natural elements, but I like to add dashes of rock and roll and definitely love some Hollywood regency vibes. Fringe lighting, gold and brass… give it to me. Nearly every wall in my home is white because I love that it serves as a blank canvas where I can change things in and out on a whim. I’m always buying and selling vintage and my decor is ever evolving and rotating. I add pops of color through art, furniture, rugs, and definitely through lots of plants.
Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Eclectic Glam
What is your favorite room and why? My favorite room is always changing, but currently it is our dining room. Since we have been isolated at home this year, I’ve realized that sometimes less is more, and this dining space is toned down and streamlined. The glass table leaves more visual space, and the lighting fits the era of the home but with a modern twist. I found the awesome chairs for $10 each and recovered them in a blush. The citrus tree gives me some much needed reprieve from winter blues!
Any advice for creating a home you love? Just use what you love. Ignore trends (unless you love one), and just make a room that reflects you and your interests. If I see a piece that makes me smile or speaks to me, I find a way to incorporate it. Very little is sacred here, and I’m not afraid to give things new life — paint is magic and often very inexpensive. Be bold and give colors or prints a chance. Always add plants and art to make a space unique to you!
This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.
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