The “3 Cs” That Make Your Apartment Feel So Much Smaller, According to a Leasing Agent
Whether you’re living in a small apartment or you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of stuff in it, getting the most, well, space out of your space might deserve a little extra attention.
Demond McClellan, a Realtor and leasing agent with eXp Realty in New Jersey, has a few tips for renters looking to make their apartment feel larger.
“When a client is trying to maximize their space, I always advise them to be mindful of the three Cs: clothes, clutter, and couches,” he says. Below, find out how these things are making your place feel smaller — and how you can reclaim some of your square footage.
The funny thing about clothes is that they have an extraordinary ability to find their way out of even the most well-organized closet. Despite your best efforts to contain them, sometimes clothes become the focal point of a room, especially rooms they aren’t supposed to be in.
McClellan advises renters to ensure clothes are always given their own defined space. “Meaning, make sure you have enough closet space or storage for your clothes, because those are the first things that get out of place and make a space look messy,” he explains.
For those lacking a huge closet, there are quite a few ways to incorporate more storage into your home, from discreet under-bed storage drawers to more dramatic statement shelving.
“Limit and remove the clutter, such as newspapers, junk mail, and Amazon boxes,” McClellan says.
Not only can nixing the extras make your space feel bigger, but it can also eliminate feelings of stress when your eyes pass over your space.
However, decluttering doesn’t mean that you should throw out all of your beloved books, knickknacks, and recycle your newspaper right after reading it. There’s room for flexibility; namely, that you keep the things that you enjoy or use frequently and donate or throw away the things you don’t.
For the items you do keep, be sure that you have a set “home” for them, McClellan says. For example, if you don’t toss your Amazon boxes and packaging immediately (which, like, who does?), then consider leaving them near your indoor trash or recycling bins, rather than having them strewn about.
“Lastly, think about your furniture,” McClellan explains. “Don’t buy furniture too big for the room — especially a couch or TV. This can make a room look overly cluttered and congested.”
Choosing the right-sized furniture can be challenging if you are moving into a new space and don’t have accurate measurements just yet. That’s why it’s important to measure the space before ordering furniture. That way, you can choose pieces that best fit your space and avoid the overstuffed look you love in Oreos, but would hate to see in a living room.