A Floor-to-Ceiling Guide to Spring Cleaning

Written by

Theresa Gonzalez
Theresa Gonzalez
Theresa Gonzalez is a San Francisco-based editor, writer and designer. She focuses on minimal, environmental design and DIY, and teaches sewing online at nicolesclasses.com.
updated Jul 16, 2020
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What I don’t love about the chore of spring cleaning is that once the weather gets nice I want to run outside, not be cooped up at home with rubber gloves and a duster. This month, though, is sort of that sweet spot when I can still justify a day indoors before I start to blow off my apartment for greener, sunnier pastures.

Here, I try to make the process less of a chore with our roundup of best spring-cleaning tips. Take your time, go room by room if you want, and soon enough you’ll have your home prepped for the season.

(Image credit: Anne and Rich’s Colorful Urban Cottage)
  • Dust shelves, blinds, vents, moldings, light fixtures
    Anything that collects dust and you usually ignore. Not a fan of dusting? Check out our 10 tips for Dusting to ease the pain.
  • Wash your windows
    Get help with our compendium of window-washing tricks.
  • Clean window treatments
    (Including your shower curtain). Here are our tips for caring for curtains.
  • Flip your mattress
    It’s something you should do every season. You’ll get more use out of it and you’ll sleep better.
  • Change your winter bedding to spring,
    Even if it just means storing woolier blankets away. Here’s some minimalist inspiration.
  • Change your clothes from warm to cool and pack away your seasonal clothes
    You’ll see these unexpected benefits.
  • Donate unwanted clothes
    Try one of these 25 places.
  • Vacuum and shampoo carpets
    (Here’s a green DIY way to do it) and shake rugs/cushions outside. Wax wood floors too.
  • Check your smoke detector batteries
    Here’s all you need to know about smoke detectors. Replace your HVAC air filters too.
  • Clean out your medicine cabinet and makeup bag
    Use our guide to expiration dates in the bathroom.
  • Organize your paperwork
    Here’s some helpful advice.
  • Clean your computer and TV.
  • Clean your deck and furniture (even your indoor/outdoor trash bins)
    Here are 5 tools to make it easier.

Have more ideas or tips? Please share below!

Re-edited from a post originally published March 19, 2013 – DF