This Amazon Organization Hack Is Exactly What Your Closet Needs (I’m Buying It ASAP!)
I’m that person who’s constantly rummaging through my drawers and making a mess. It’s hard to keep everything folded in one big, spread-out drawer!
If you’re like me, then you’ve got to see the super-smart Amazon storage bins that TikToker Sarah Colussi (@sarah.colussi) made a video about. At first, they look like standard fabric storage bins that you’d toss clothes or accessories into, but here’s the ingenious bit: They have built-in dividers in them, creating five sections each that you can tuck folded-up clothes into.
Using these storage bins is a brilliant hack to help your clothes look neater and prevent them from unfolding. For example, Colussi recommended putting sweaters and jeans in them.
Plus, you can basically store these bins anywhere — in your closet, on shelves, in your dresser drawers, or even in a hanging closet storage piece like this closet organizer from Target.
These storage bins are great if you have a small room that you’re trying to prevent from getting too cluttered. When I lived in a bedroom the size of a shoebox, keeping my space tidy was a constant challenge — I wish I had known about these great sectioned bins!
You can buy these storage bins from Amazon for $15.99 for a two-pack, starting at $26.99 for a four-pack, or starting at $42.99 for a six-pack. They come in four different neutral colors: light gray, black, beige, and ash gray.
I also love that using bins with a limited amount of sections for storing items forces you to think about which clothes you actually wear and which clothes you can toss, resell, or donate.
Paring down my closet is next on my senior year bucket list (anything to make my last move out of college easier). When I finally move into my first post-grad space — inevitably a cramped city apartment — I will definitely be taking these bins with me!