This $20 Amazon Hack Will Prevent Your Christmas Ornaments from Falling and Breaking This Year
Last year around this time, I was still working as a hostess at my restaurant job. We had just put up a real fir tree in the dining room, when my manager approached the host stand, an excited grin on her face. “I have a fun task for you,” she shared, before pointing me in the direction of the storage closet where I could find three cardboard boxes of red and gold ornaments. As it turns out, the task in question was not going to be fun. For as long as I can remember, decorating the Christmas tree has never been a holiday pastime I’ve looked forward to, in my own home or otherwise. As much as I love the final result — a sparkling, colorful tree that lights up the whole room — I can’t say the same about the process. One reason why is because getting the ornaments to actually stay on the branches is always way more of a struggle than it should be.
What’s more, at home I have an artificial tree. Suffice to say, I was not prepared for how much running and chasing I had to do across the restaurant as ball after ball slipped off the tree’s real, unbendable branches. In that moment, I really could’ve used something like these Ornament Anchor hooks from Amazon. If they look familiar, it might be because they were featured on “Shark Tank.” Now, the hooks can be the star of your living room, too.
For $20, you get 24 of these bad boys, which should be enough to cover at least half of your ornament collection. The hooks are actually more like stretchy fasteners that attach to your tree decorations and tighten to remain securely in place. The green ones will blend best with the surrounding fir needles, but you can also get the hooks in gold, red, and white. Most importantly, each hook can hold up to 10 lbs, so even your largest ornaments don’t have a chance at running away.
Those who’ve already bought their own anchors can’t recommend them enough. “I love to display my grandparents’ ornaments and the ornaments that I made or that my kids made over the years,” one reviewer noted. “We have lost a few over the years, and that just plain sucks. Not anymore. Ornament Anchor is the best.” You can rest assured that your own tree adornments, be they glass or just highly sentimental, won’t be going anywhere.
What’s more, homes with kids and pets need all the protection they can get against broken shards of glass. And once you buy a pack or two, you can reuse them year after year! Decorating the evergreen will have never felt so easy.
Buy: Ornament Anchor Nonslip Hooks, $19.99