Make Your Own Before & After
We’ve been showcasing a lot of Before and Afters here this month, and perhaps it’s inspired you to do a few of your own. You may, however, still have doubts, and may find that you ask yourself “can I really do that?” Well, here are some simple beginner DIY’s that you most definitely can do. Time to make your own Before & After.1. Paint a Globe.Take a globe you already have (preferably one of those 3D topographic ones), or acquire one.
Feb 18, 2013
Lori & Ken’s Modern Calgary Home
Lori and Ken’s home was featured here on Apartment Therapy in 2009 and four years later, the space is more elegant and creative than ever. As an established photographer and interior designer (Ken has his own investment firm), Lori uses her home as a canvas for her work and ideas. However, these aesthetic changes didn’t happen overnight, says Lori: “It has taken us ten years to get the house we really wanted, as we have to budget and save for every additional piece.
Feb 18, 2013
Make A Better Lunch At Your Desk!
(Image credit: Apartment Therapy) Ah, lunch at your desk. Does your daily “break” involve quickly shoving down a sandwich while scanning Facebook and trying to ignore the ringing phone for at least 15 minutes? Here are five tips for making it a little nicer. • Better Lunch At Your Desk The Kitchn
Feb 18, 2013