Cynthia’s Gentle Renovation
Name: Cynthia of Recreational Decorator Location: The Beach – Toronto, Ontario, Canada We bought our home just about two years ago and renovated it from top-to-bottom. The elderly woman (her refurbished sofa still sits in our livingroom) who sold us the home had lived here for years and wanted a family to move in who would not tear the house down or do a monster reno (we have a very large city lot so the home was certainly appealing to builders).
Jan 16, 2014
Fresh Start: 5 Things You Should Do Every January
I’m not usually one for New Year’s resolutions, but I am always interested in rejuvenating my space, work and life in the New Year. January is a great month for cleaning up problem areas, whether they are physical problem areas in your home, or work and financial issues. Here are a few of our top tips for simple tasks to help get your new year get off to a great start! 1. Declutter your desk or work area and go through important papers. Tax time is coming!
Jan 16, 2014
DIY Project Idea: How to Sew a Cross Stitch Pillow
Rae of Rae’s Days loves incorporating handmade items into her home, and especially playing with proportions or putting an unexpected twist on something traditional. So with that in mind, she created this pillow using some chunky yarn and classic cross stitch.
Jan 16, 2014
Shaun & Matt’s Glam Loft
Name: Shaun Sperling & Matt Leyes Location: Andersonville; Chicago, Illinois Size: 1,100 square feet Years lived in: 3 years Matt and Shaun’s loft is a study in the type of creative freedom that comes from having a loft space, loving DIY projects, and joyfully merging two design styles.
Jan 16, 2014
How To Clean Stuffed Animals
Is it completely germophobic to be cleaning your kids’ stuffed toys every month? Of course, I’m asking for a friend of mine (wink)! I completely understand that our kids need to grow their immune system by being exposed to various degrees of bacteria, still, I can’t look at these toys and remain calm. It makes me cringe. Just like that tiny chalk mark the teacher used to forget to erase on the board back in school. Ok, there goes my free-spirit reputation!
Jan 16, 2014
Before & After: An Office/Guest Bedroom Gets a Dramatic Makeover
Emily and Aaron’s spare bedroom was a catch-all, home to Aaron’s bike, a dog crate, clothes, and other random items. The couple would step inside, grab what they needed, and duck back out, meaning that the room never got used for anything but storage. But with some paint, new furniture, and a new space plan, this is now a room that they use on a daily basis.
Jan 16, 2014
Weigh In: When Do You Take Down the Christmas Tree?
I’ve never been exactly clear on when one is supposed to take down a Christmas tree. There’s a fine line between keeping the festivity going as long as possible, and trying to sell the Christmas tree as a Valentine’s Day decoration. Some of my friends take their trees down on December 26 exactly, but that’s way too early for me. Christmas isn’t over until one has finished buying all the other presents one wanted and did not receive.
Jan 16, 2014
Save Cupboard Space and Your Sanity With This Organizational Upgrade
(Image credit: Apartment Therapy) From The Kitchn → Before & After: A Better Way to Organize Pots and Pans in the Cupboard
Jan 16, 2014