Jen’s Lovely Light in Seattle
Name: Jen Location: Seward Park, Seattle I fell in love with this house online, before I’d even moved to Seattle. It was an estate, so it hadn’t been touched since the 60’s. But there were great original bones – a flagstone entry way, a stone fireplace that divided the front and back of the house. Not to mention a view of the lake. When I was re-doing it I had a totally different color scheme in mind – cooler, with more greys.
Jan 21, 2014
Worth It: Clear Up Cord Clutter
Day 14: Tuesday, January 21 Assignment: Clean up the cord clutter Today we have one of those surprisingly “worth it” Cure assignments that is straightforward and simple, yet makes an unexpectedly substantial difference in how your home looks and feels. Let’s face it, no matter how well organized an area is otherwise, if there is a visible mess of wires and cords, things look unfinished and visually chaotic.
Jan 21, 2014
Jeanetta & Brian’s Incredible Shared Space
Name: Jeanetta Gonzales + Brian Saldivar Location: The Unique Space, in Downtown LA Size: 180 square feet Years lived in: 2 months While poking around Instagram, I discovered Jeanetta and fell in love with her new office. To my delight, it turned out that she shared the space with Brian, inside the incredible new Unique Space in DTLA. This is my third tour of interiors inside the Unique Space, and I have to say— they are quite unique.
Jan 21, 2014
10 Habits of a Highly Organized Person: How Pro Organizer Jeni Aron Keeps Her Own Life Under Control
Meet Jeni Aron: an organized person. Since how truly organized minds work are still a mystery to many of us, I set out to ask our top video organizers: what are the top 10 habits that you actually use to keep your own life organized? First up, Jeni! 1. Know what you like and stick to it. I know I only like Aveda shampoo and Kiehl’s face wash. This seemingly shallow information actually creates less confusion and clutter in my shower.
Jan 21, 2014
Pineapple Accessories for the Home
Jan 21, 2014