Before & After: Amy & Corey’s All White New Kitchen
Amy Pigliacampo and her husband Corey Szopinski purchased their Echo Park home two years ago. Their house is a very modern prefab design from Sunia Home, which came with a raw material lined kitchen and open floorpan. “We always knew that we would need to redesign the kitchen. It looked cool, but lacked the functionality we needed for our growing family. Our kitchen is the most heavily used area in our home since we cook and eat at home most of the time.
Apr 17, 2015
Before & After: From Everyday IKEA Billy Bookcases to Beautiful Built-ins
Love the library look of rows and rows of arched bookshelves? Me too. Since I always try to do my home decor projects on the cheap, I spent a little time with Google this week to see what I could come up with, and boy did I score big-time. I stumbled upon this years-old post from Little Green Notebook that I just had to share. Jenny started with some regular IKEA Billy bookshelves (hello old friend) and wound up with this. Wow. Just wow. And this actually seems surprisingly easy.
Apr 17, 2015
15 Lab-Inspired Kitchens
(Image credit: Lizzie Ford) From The Kitchn → 15 Kitchens That Want to Go Back to Their High School’s Science Lab
Apr 17, 2015