The Pro Designer Trick That Makes Homes Feel Cozy & Cohesive
When you’re feeling like the rooms of your home are design islands — lovely spaces by themselves but not necessarily connected to the architecture of your home or the entire home itself — you might want to try out this trick in the designer’s toolbox. This idea of echoing elements is NOT putting two of the same pieces of something in two different rooms. It’s not having carbon copies of the same art adorning walls in all your rooms.
Jul 24, 2015
Quick Fixes for Rental Kitchens
Jul 24, 2015
I Painted My Laminate Countertops: Here’s How They Are Holding Up a Few Months Later
A few months ago I decided to paint my laminate countertops as a temporary solution to a very ugly, very burnt orange problem in my kitchen. I was a little hesitant to do so since our actual counter space is minimal and sees a fair amount of traffic, but forged ahead because the price and risk (those countertops are coming out this fall either way!) were low. Here’s how they’ve fared… They have unfortunately acquired quite a few battle wounds!
Jul 24, 2015
What To Pack in Your Cooler For the Beach
(Image credit: Noam Armonn) shutterstock From The Kitchn → The Best Foods to Pack for the Beach
Jul 24, 2015