One Woman’s “Life-sized Dollhouse” in Cincinnati
Name: Emily and Gigi the dog Location: Norwood, Ohio The basics: 5 months, owned — 1,067 square feet Emily and her adorable dog roommate Gigi settled into this cute craftsman after a decade of renting. It was love at first site for Emily and after the ink dried on her contracts she set about turning the house into her ideal first home.
Sep 17, 2017
Rent this Ornate Octagon House on the Hudson for $40,000 a Month
North of New York City, hidden in the tony bedroom communities of Westchester County, sits this perfectly preserved portal to upper class Victorian life on the Hudson River — and now you can rent it for a mere $10,000 a week. If Martha’s Vineyard’s famed rosy-hued Victorian campground cottage is known as The Wooden Valentine, then this Hudson River home must be the 19th century version of a Jumbotron proposal.
Sep 17, 2017
This Room Divider Turned Bar Is A Small Space Hero
For those of you who have a roommate who doubles as your drinking buddy, we’re willing to bet that you’d get plenty of use out of this room divider that turns into a bar table. Created by Tawainese designer Laurel Hwang, the multi-purpose piece named Plier simultaneously satisfies the need for privacy and socializing. Hwang’s industrial furniture is designed to suit open floor plans and offers an inventive yet stylish way to divide small spaces.
Sep 17, 2017
These Bookcases Aren’t What They Appear To Be
You can perhaps blame it on having watched too much Scooby-Doo as a kid, but the idea of secret passages fascinates me. So I love it when architects incorporate a little mystery into their designs—secret rooms, hidden doors, or, in this case, a whole wall of bookcases that turns out to not be a wall at all. The apartment where the bookcases appear is the home of an art collector, in São Paulo, Brazil, designed by Consuelo Jorge.
Sep 17, 2017