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Molly Anderson

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Curtains in the Kitchen
There are lots of ways curtains can be used to accessorize a Kitchen: as a room divider, in a doorway, on the cabinets, or in the window. They are an inexpensive way to give your kitchen a mini-makeover. Enjoy this roundup of curtains we like for the kitchen.Top Row1. Sunny and Bold: Yellow Curtains2. Small Kitchen Inspiration: The Butler’s Pantry3. Furniture with Curtains and Shades4. Emily & Nate’s Cozy Cocoon: House Tour5. Look! Patchwork Tea Towel Kitchen Curtain Bottom Row6.
Jul 16, 2020
Julie’s Cozy & Vibrant Revisited
Name: Julie ThompsonLocation: Portland, OregonSize: 410 square feetYears lived in: 4 You might remember Julie’s Cozy & Vibrant home from this year’s Small Cool contest. She was gracious enough to let us stop by and take more photos of her eye-catching place. This small space is teaming with personality, yet has a great balance of bold and calming attributes.
Dec 19, 2019
Quick Tip #2: How To Cover Up Scratches on Wooden Furniture
Every well-run home is teeming with tricks and shortcuts to keep it humming along. We’re sharing our best quick tips — for cleaning, organizing and repairing stuff at home — to save you time and money. Click through for today’s helpful hint, and links to tons more… Use a WALNUT! Just rub a shelled walnut on the damaged area, and watch in amazement as the dings, scrapes and scratches all begin to darken and disappear.
May 21, 2019
Kassandra & Jon’s Vintage Live-Work Home
Name: Kassandra & Jon Sommerville along with Edgar (Boston Terrier), Jigsaw (Jack Russel) and Rico Suave (Papillon)Location: Concordia Neighborhood — Portland, OregonSize: 1250 square feetYears lived in: 2 — owned Jon and Kassandra have done an amazing job making their 1950s Portland home comfortable and efficient without giving up panache. They’ve converted one area of the house into a salon where Kassandra cuts hair and styles her clients to perfection.
Sep 28, 2010
Kate & Clifton Show Their Stuff
Name: Kate Bingaman-Burt & Clifton BurtLocation: Portland, OregonSize: 600 square feetYears lived in: 2 Kate and Clifton have done an amazing job showing off the items they’ve collected while maintaining a great live/work space in their small lofted apartment. You may be familiar with Kate’s art-project-turned-book, Obsessive Consumption: What Did You Buy Today?, a collection of ink drawings cataloging many of her daily purchases.
Aug 24, 2010
Aaron’s Minimal Portland Loft
Name: Aaron TullerLocation: Portland, ORSize: 1100 sq ft.Years lived in: almost 2 Aaron is co-owner of one of our favorite online sources of independent and handmade goods, buyolympia.com. When they relocated to Portland a couple of years ago he took the opportunity to pare down his belongings to the essentials and move into this minimal loft.
Apr 27, 2010
Trish’s North Portland Nest
Name: Trish Grantham (along with Pablo the dog and Georgia & Arlo the cats)Location: Portland, OregonSize: 900 Sq FtYears lived in: One Month (yep, ONE MONTH!) Portland artist, Trish Grantham lives on the ground floor of a pretty amazing house in North Portland. Inside her living space, collections abound. Outside is a large fenced backyard that makes the house feel removed from the tightly packed neighborhood it is set in.
Mar 23, 2010
Evan’s Old-Timey Apartment & Studio Space
Name: Evan B HarrisLocation: Portland, ORSize: apartment is about 500 sq ft, attic studio space is about 1000 sq ftYears lived in: 3 Today we are invited into the home of Northwest artist Evan B Harris. The small space that he lives in exudes a dreamlike quality that is reflective of both his art and personal style. Throughout his home and studio space are thoughtful vignettes that tell stories with artfully arranged keepsakes and collected objects.
Jan 19, 2010
Oscar’s Swedish Inspired Renovation
Name: Oscar SkoldLocation: Calgary Alberta, CanadaSize: 3000 square feetYears lived in: Five We received these photos of Oscar’s Canadian home and love the beautiful job he has done renovating it with a Scandinavian approach. Oscar grew up in the southwest of Sweden. As the son of an architectural engineer, he was exposed to minimalism, large open areas, natural materials and indoor/outdoor living.
Jan 7, 2010