Before & After: Plain Jane Entryway Now Pops with Pattern & Color
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(Image credit: Katja K.)
Katja’s entryway was pretty, but plain, and needed a good dose of something. Turns out that something was turquoise paint and a lot of graphic pattern.
(Image credit: Katja K.)
To create the accent wall, Katja first painted it a light turquoise. Then, strips of painter’s tape were placed vertically every 14 inches. Smaller bits were taped at an angle off those stripes, to create the arrow effect. She then painted over the whole thing with a darker turquoise and removed the tape.
While she was at it, Katja also taped off a couple of storage baskets and the circular rug, using a honeycomb pattern. She was rewarded for her efforts, and won second place in Frog Tape’s2013 Earn Your Stripes competition. Check out their gallery of entries — there’s lots of inspiration for painted walls.