Before & After: Typewriter Table Gets a Cartographic Makeover
Carrie obviously has better yard sale luck than most of us, as she was able to pick up this darling vintage typewriter table at a local sale for only $4 — an astonishing deal by any standard. When she bought it, Carrie already knew this table was getting a cartographic makeover.
Carrie’s first step was priming the table, before covering it with white spray paint. After selecting three different maps, she modge-podged them to the three sections of the table top. To eliminate the wrinkles and give this table a truly durable finish, Carrie then used Envirotex pour-on resin to seal the maps to the table top. The end result is a fun and functional update to a vintage piece, one that certainly has new life as a laptop table.
(Images: Carrie/Lovely Etc.)