Before & After: The Million Hour Chair
Charlotte says, “I check in with Craig (and his list) on a daily basis. When I came across a pair of matching wooden arm chairs, I pounced. I talked the seller down to $75 each, and brought them home for a facelift.”
Charlotte decided on red spray paint to complement a similar red coffee table in her space. She says, “A million hours later, all the nail heads and staples were out and I was ready to spray.” She then picked a blue chevron for a fun contrast, and, by the end of the second chair, ” I had my re-upholstering groove on.” You sure did, Charlotte.
From Charlotte:
Our home was built in 1900 so I can’t get contemporary with my decor as I think it would start to look out of place, but I love the juxtaposition of some colorful funky pieces with the classic lines of the house. These two chairs look amazing and have been the perfect ‘flexible’ seating for our living room as they are small enough to move where we need them when entertaining.
See more at Ciburbanity.
Thank you Charlotte!