Ready To Roll: DIY Ideas for Making Your Own Bike Stand
After a long summer day of biking to the farmer’s market, swimming pool, ice cream shop, and fireworks emporium, where will you put away your bike? Strewn about the entryway with your flip-flops? Tossed on its side in the yard, wheel sadly spinning and frame slowly rusting? Show your bike some damn respect with these nine bicycle stand and rack DIYs. Well, almost nine…
1. DIY Bike Stand, Instructables
You know it’s a great tutorial when the materials needed are “a 2×4”. Someone in the comments used the instructions to make a 3-bike stand, if you happen to live in a multi-bike household.
2. Wooden Bike Rack, Instructables
This is more sculpture than bike stand, and according to its designer, “When you use recycled materials it will cost you just a tube of glue.” Very impressive for something that looks so high-end.
3. DIY Hanging Bike Rack for $90, Rob13 on Bike Forums
Rob13 didn’t want to pay $269 for a Velo-Grip Bike Rack so he reverse-engineered one for 1/3 the price- and it can hold many more bikes than the original! He didn’t provide explicit instructions but he did answer a ton of questions in the comment section.
4. Simple Pallet Bike Stand, Instructables
If you haven’t used up all your pallets building a sofa, planting a garden, or building a deck, use two of them to create a rack that can accommodate up to eight bikes.
5. DIY Bike Storage Rack, Single Tracks
This one is my pick for the most elegant solution so far. The clean lines would look at home in a variety of decors, and as the designer wrote, “I left my rack unfinished, but you can paint it, stain it, or put stickers on it.”
6. DIY PVC BMX Bike Stand, BMX Museum
There are a ton of instructions for DIY PVC bike stands out there, but I wanted to include one especially for the BMX-ers among us. According to the designer, you can make two stands for under $9.
7. DIY Exercise Bike Stand by Tidy Brown Wren
This is completely brilliant and I need one. It’s like having a gym in the comfort of your very own home, provided your home has a generous cable package.
8. Bicycle Maintenance Stand, Michael Merriott
Unfortunately, plans are no longer available for this stand, but with a little ingenuity and the exploded parts view seen here, the skilled woodworkers among us could probably muddle through.
9. STASIS Bicycle Stand, METHOD Studio
Speaking of a lack-of-instructions, this is actually a bespoke stand, humbly declared to be “THE WORLD’S FINEST BICYCLE STORAGE”. You guys could totally make one. Just get a bunch of copper pipes and some of those copper elbow-thingies from the hardware store, add a thrift store basket, and you’ll get it done in an afternoon. Report back!