Having These 5 Things in Your Entryway Will Save You Time Every Day
If you’ve been reading Apartment Therapy and participating in the Cure, you know all about the power of a well-organized entryway to help catch clutter and keep your home looking beautiful. But did you know the things you decide to keep by your front door can also save you time every day?
Here are five things you can hang, stash and store in your entryway to potentially shave minutes off your day – even 30 second little changes make a big difference when you add them up, over the coming weeks, months and years:
Hooks for Keys
A designated spot for your keys will keep you from rummaging through a purse or work bag every day.
A Pair of Slip-On Shoes
Make getting the mail or walking the dog easy on yourself, and keep a pair of slip-on sandals by the door.
A $5 Bill Stash
You never know when you might need to tip a delivery driver or, you know, impulse buy some Girl Scout cookies.
A Mirror
It saves you time in not having to head back to the bathroom to see if your hair’s in place, but it also might save you the embarrassment of walking out the door with today’s breakfast still between your teeth.
Something to Hang on the Doorknob
Keep a colorful rubber band, ribbon or tassel in your entryway and hang it from the inside door knob whenever there’s something you have to remember before leaving the house in the morning. It’s like a front-door version of a string on your finger and saves you from having to turn around half way to your destination.