The Home Depot Tool Rental Secret That Can Save You Money
Certain tools and equipment are expensive. Like, really expensive. I think it’s safe to say that absolutely no one on the planet wants to actually buy an industrial carpet cleaner for thousands of dollars, for example, let alone find a place to store it when they’re done. Unless you use these types of things all the time, it doesn’t make any sense to own them outright, which is why we’re thankful for temporary rentals. We recently learned a shopping hack about Home Depot’s tool rental program, and it can really save you some money.
Luckily for us, The Home Depot has tons of tools and equipment available to rent, which negates the need for those annoying one-time-only purchases that jack up the cost of whatever it is that you’re working on. If you need a floor sander or a stump grinder, they’ve got your back. They’ve even got smaller, more commonplace tools — like drills and saws — that are perfect if you’re a renter, or live in a tiny home, and you just don’t want or need to use them often.
Home Depot rents these tools by the hour, day, week or month and all their availability and rates are available online once you plug in your zip code.
Which brings us to this helpful nugget of knowledge from a Redditor who recently wrote:
If you rent a tool from Home Depot after 6pm (mine closes at 9pm) you can rent it for the 4 hour price versus the 24hr price as long as you get it back to them by 9am the next day.
So good! You can rent a tool for the lesser amount of money, and can still take your time — as long as you’re willing to work later at night or early in the morning. And, as some commenters pointed out in response, as long as you don’t mind bothering your neighbors with any late night jack hammering. (So choose to use this wisely, or risk the wrath of those sleeping nearby.)
For some items, the cost difference isn’t staggering. To rent a chainsaw near me for example, it would cost $31 for the four hour window, and $44 for the entire day. $13 is still $13 dollars however. For an aerator, it’s $63 versus $90, which is a $27 dollar difference. So, it can add up.
Has anyone tried this successfully? Any other tips you want to share in the comments?