How Do I Prevent My Cats From Climbing Onto the Screen?
Q: My husband and I adopted a kitten a few months ago, and now that the warmer weather is coming we need some help cat-proofing the apartment in a new way. We’re lucky enough to have two large 6 foot windows and a sliding door (with screen) that’s about 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Any tips for how to keep the cat from climbing on the screens? We keep her nails clipped short, but she manages to grab hold anyway. Any diversion tips? Thanks!
Sent by Laura
Editor – The most common and easy solution is to use a spray bottle to create a negative connection with the act of climbing the screen. We’ve used this technique before to train our cats; it’s harmless and doesn’t take too long to communicate your cat’s misbehavior will be rewarded with a spray of water on their backside.
Another solution is to purchase something like Stickypaws strips. We’ve used these ourselves to deter our cats from climbing onto certain shelving/ledges; your could easily apply the strips onto sections of the screen. The next time they jump, they’ll find themselves feeling tactile feedback not to their liking and will equate the screen with that avoid-at-all-costs sticky sensation. After a couple of weeks, you can just remove it, but they’ll avoid the area nonetheless (and if they forget, a “refreshed course” can always be reapplied).
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(Image: flickr member vagabondblogger licensed for use under Creative Commons)