I Took a Risk on an Expensive Toilet Brush—And It Totally Paid Off
When I arrived in NYC a few years ago to move into my first “adult” apartment, one of the first things I did was take a trip to Bed Bath & Beyond. Literally—I flew into the city on a Saturday morning with two suitcases and nothing in the way of “household essentials”, and by the afternoon I had arrived at the nearest BB&B. I was on the hunt for random things like waste baskets, a mattress pad, and, of course, a toilet brush (my new toilet looked more than a little alarming).
Until that point, I had probably never spent more than $5 on a toilet brush. When I was in college, I just bought whatever I could find at Walgreens, replacing it every few months when it got too nasty. But on this day, my first day as a true independent adult, I was inspired. I was also deeply overwhelmed, sweaty, and utterly confused about what I was doing. The first toilet brush I laid eyes on was one I had never seen before, one that had a brush made out of a silicone-like material and an actually attractive holder: the Joseph Joseph Flex Brush.
This is what adulthood is all about, I thought to myself in a state of pure anxiety. This fancy toilet brush will make everything okay. No matter that it cost $20 and was completely out of my 23-year-old budget. I had a coupon! I added it to my cart in what felt like a fever dream and went on my merry way.
It wasn’t until I put it in my bathroom that I actually thought about what I had purchased. Would it even work? The product info said that it was supposed to be water-repellent and more durable than a regular brush, which I found very attractive as visions of stained brushes from years past danced in my head. I decided to give it a try—and reader, it’s been two and a half years now and we’re still very happy together.
Why is it so great? Let me count the ways. First of all, they weren’t lying when they said it’s water-resistant. My least favorite thing about traditional brushes is that they drip, creating a gross mess that they then have to sit in until they’re used again. Not only does this brush dry super quickly, but the case still isn’t moldy 2.5 years later. Plus, it hasn’t stained, even after countless uses. (It’s also worth noting that there are reviews that say the handle rusts with time, but so far that hasn’t been the case for me at all, and I clean my toilet religiously.)
Then, there’s the design. The head is D-shaped and flexible, so it really gets into all the crevices, especially under the rim. It cleans just as well as, if not better than, traditional bristles, and since the bristles have a good amount of space it’s also super easy to rinse off. Finally, it’s super slim and compact, not to mention actually nice-looking, so it’s ideal for tiny bathrooms.
All in all, this is one impulse, anxiety-fueled purchase that I absolutely do not regret. Not only is this toilet brush more sanitary, but it actually works really well—and it’s eco-friendly, especially if you tend to throw out brushes every few months. It’s expensive, but in my opinion totally worth it.
Buy: Joseph Joseph Flex Toilet Brush, $19.99 from Amazon