How Kristen Bell Spends Her Perfect Night In

Written by

Tara BellucciNews and Culture Director
Tara BellucciNews and Culture Director
Tara is Apartment Therapy's News & Culture Director. When not scrolling through Instagram double-tapping pet pics and astrology memes, you'll find her thrift shopping around Boston, kayaking on the Charles, and trying not to buy more plants.
published May 6, 2019
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Credit: Photo: Courtesy of La-Z-Boy; Design: Apartment Therapy

Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home.

Whether you know her best as shrimp-loving Eleanor on “The Good Place,” spirited younger sister Anna in “Frozen,” or from her total Mom status on Instagram, one thing is for certain: We love Kristen Bell almost as much as she loves sloths.

The actor and entrepreneur has been busy lately; she and husband Dax Shepard started an organic baby product line called Hello Bello, her cult status show “Veronica Mars” is making a comeback on Hulu, and she was just announced as brand ambassador for La-Z-Boy. With so much going on, we had to know how she’d spend a perfect night in, indulging in some (much-needed) self care.

Credit: Apartment Therapy

Set the Scene

Describe your perfect homebody scene in five words:Surrounded by friends and family.

Are you alone or with someone else? Currently snuggled on my La-Z-Boy chair in a make-shift fort with my husband as my children add pillows and sheets and slowly suffocate us. When I started working with the brand, I was surprised to learn they have so much more to offer than recliners! The chairs are stylish enough for even the fanciest forts.

What’s your night-in uniform? Thermals from Mate the Label.

What two people, dead or alive, would you let crash your night?Harry Connick Jr. and Keith Morrison.

Credit: Apartment Therapy

Now Playing

TV or a movie?TV!!

What are you watching? Just finished “The Patriot” and could not get enough. And “The OA” and “Game of Thrones!”

Silence or music? Music! Ben Platt all day long. 

E-books or the real deal? Been doing a lot of Audible books lately so I can get in books while I’m on the go or in transit.

What are you reading? Essentialism” by Greg McKeown.

Board games: yay or nay? DUH. (Settlers of Catan, Code Names)

Credit: Apartment Therapy

What’s Cooking

Order in or cook for yourself?Cook—Cooking is my love language.

What are you eating?My go-to meal is some sort of grain, lettuce, veggies all mixed up in a bowl with a fried egg on top.

What drink are you pouring?Spindrift! And they have a new flavor—lime. It’s dynamite.

What’s for dessert?My favorite favorite FAVORITE dessert is key lime pie, but unfortunately (and fortunately) I rarely get to have it. 

Late night snack? Cereal is my go-to late-night snack.

Credit: Apartment Therapy

Take Care

Do you have a self-care ritual?A long bath, face mask and some brain food served to me via John Oliver. 

What do you try to avoid at all costs? Judgment.

Candles: yay or nay? (if yay, what’s your favorite?)Definite yay. My very favorite are handmade by Preemptive Love.

Face masks: yay or nay? There is a 99 percent chance I’m totally victim to the placebo effect here, but I LOVE face masks! I rotate through of lot of different brands targeting specific areas, but one I’m currently really liking is the Peach and Lily Eco Your Skin- Face Blanket Mask

Bubble bath: yay or nay? Double yay. It makes the bath so much more fun. I started a line of plant-based baby products with my husband called Hello Bello and we have a killer bubble bath. It smells so good and I’ve been stealing it from my children for my own baths. Sorry kids! 

Chores: yay or nay? Chores?! I WISH. I wish someone would pay me to do the dishes! Alas, I think chores are now just daily adulthood. 

Ideal bedtime? 4 p.m. 🙂

Do you have any other favorites or recommendations for your perfect night in? For a perfect night, I HIGHLY recommend getting yourself a Dax Shepard. You just can’t do better than that.

Thanks, Kristen! Check out our previous installments of Perfect Night In here.