A Warm & Funky Garden Flat
Name: Mizzie
Location: Harrow, London
We live in a two bedroom two bathroom flat in Harrow. It’s an Edwardian house that has been split into flats and we live on the ground floor, which means we get the garden! This was the first flat I looked at when I first moved to London full time. It was only meant to be for three months and I have been here three years! I live here with my partner, my daughter and our dog.
My favorite room is probably the back garden. When I moved in it was dirt. Literally just dirt and now it’s a lush green space with a new deck that we spend a lot of time in. The space is part furnished by the landlord and part our furniture. It’s a cozy space that we call home for now. I also love the plants. Sometimes it can feel like a jungle but I love being surrounded by life.
Thanks, Mizzie!
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