This Is the One Thing Nate Berkus Does Every Morning (He Never Skips It!)
Nate Berkus isn’t like every other Virgo out there — he’s a triple Virgo, and that means organization and order are key in his day-to-day life. One order-related task he can’t go without doing first thing every morning is one you likely either love or hate: making the bed.
Regardless of your feelings, Berkus has published proof to show that this habit is one we should all be doing. “Making your bed every morning is considered a keystone habit according to Charles Duhigg,” Berkus captioned his post. Duhigg is a business reporter and the author of The Power of Habit, a researched-backed book all about forming habits that can positively impact our daily lives.
In The Power of Habit, Duhigg calls bed making a “keystone habit,” writing, “making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.”
Another study from Best Mattress Brand in 2019 suggests the same, finding that most people who make their bed in the morning feel much more productive throughout the day and feel more accomplished by the time they hit the hay at night.
“And that is why I make my bed every single morning, first thing,” Berkus said at the end of his video.
Several people in the comments shared their bed-making rituals, with most in agreement that making the bed is a must. “I used to make mine the minute I jumped out of it, but now I pull the sheets back and let it air for 30 minutes after spraying a light mist of rose water while I make coffee,” one person wrote.
Another said, “Always always let the bed air out and ‘breathe’ for a bit prior to making it! But always make it before you leave for the day or begin work at home. I also neatly stack all the throw pillows and pull back the covers to ‘invite’ us in for the night.”
“I love how it looks when it’s made,” someone else said. “When you come back home to the room after a long day it’s just waiting for you.”There’s no good reason not to make the bed first thing in the morning. It sets you up for a productive day, and then it is there ready and waiting for you to have a peaceful night.