One Expert Says This is the Best Day to Start a New Habit (Hint: It’s Not Monday!)
It’s true that old habits die hard, but it seems like it’s equally impossible to start a new one. No matter the goal–if you’re trying on a consistent gym regimen, or just wanting to make the bed everyday–there is one small tip that might help you get on track. Can you guess which day of the week sets you up for success in kicking off a new good habit?
Why Thursday is the Best Day to Start a New Habit
You might think a time management expert would have no trouble keeping organized in her day-to-day life, but when Laura Vanderkam decided she wanted to begin logging her time continuously earlier this year, she decided to give herself a little shortcut: Though her logs started the week on a Monday, she was going to begin her new time-tracking habit on a Thursday, as she detailed in a blog post for Fast Company.
Vanderkam believes that for most people with Monday to Friday work schedules, Thursday offers the greatest chance at success for starting a new you. Monday is often a busy day for most people, ripe with distractions that keep you off track to reaching your habit goal. But by Thursday, the workweek slows down:
In my time surveys, I’ve found that Wednesday is the longest workday, and then the numbers fall off after that… Fewer things are starting up, so you can concentrate your energy and focus on your new routine.
By the beginning of the following week, your new habit isn’t “new” anymore, it’s beginning to become a part of what you do day-to-day. And that is the best way to build a new routine.
Read more: Why Thursday is the Best Day to Start a New Habit, Fast Company
More Tips for Starting New Habits on Apartment Therapy
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