Paula & Paul Work/Life Balance in London
Name: Paula & Paul of Film & Furniture
Location: Islington, London, UK
Having run a high profile branding and design studio Form for 23 years in an office studio in London’s Shoreditch, we decided to shake up the way we work and the kind of work we do to have a better work/life balance. We waved goodbye to all our staff, rented out our office and decided to take a sabbatical. However, during this time Form continued to be asked to work on some lovely design projects and so, being the design workaholics we are, we continued to work from home, in Islington, London.
Soon it transpired we loved this new way of working so decided to reconfigure four main rooms of our flat to allow us to permanently work from home and converted our main bedroom into a home studio. This meant changing around all the other rooms, too.
With valuable help and support from Tracy Graham Interiors we are thrilled with the results, and now also have time to run our personal projects from this new headquarters, too. As a result I have had time to launch Film and Furniture, a lovingly curated resource directing you where to find the décor, art and furniture you spot in your favorite films. And my partner in life and business — Paul West – has been able to dedicate some time to his art, which is now in big demand.
Et Voila! – The new ‘Form’, ‘Film and Furniture’ and ‘Paul West Art’ HQ! We couldn’t have achieved any of this without our new home configuration and the redesign project which we love and enjoy working in. We particularly love the floating shelf in the studio which runs around all walls of the room to house our collection of vinyl toys collected from our travels. The new floor-to-ceiling wardrobes in our new main bedroom are quite deep and provide ample storage but don’t eat up any visual space in a relatively small room.
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Thanks, Paula & Paul!
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