This TV Character Has The Most Unaffordable Rent (No, It’s Not Carrie Bradshaw)
30—the magical percentage of take home income that people are supposed to spend on housing and housing related expenses like utilities for their living situation to be considered within their means—might be harder and harder to achieve, but at least us regular, real life people aren’t alone. TV characters often live in unrealistic places, and a new study shows just which ones could afford their homes, and which would be spending more than they should.
The folks at RENTCafe recently calculated just how much various character’s perceived salary would cover their housing costs, and if their living situations were financially sound.
Carrie Bradshaw takes a lot of heat for living a lavish life beyond her writer’s salary, but it’s actually another fictional New Yorker that’s spending the most on housing (RENTCafe did not reference shoe budgets, to my knowledge).
That title goes to George Costanza, who would be spending 149 percent of his monthly income on rent. Of course, George had something like 12 jobs during the run of Seinfeld, so it’s possible Assistant to the Traveling Secretary of the New York Yankees might get paid more than the analyst at Kruger Industrial Smoothing that RENTCafe used for its calculations.
Though Carrie’s rent isn’t exactly affordable, either—she’d be spending roughly 58 percent of her salary on housing. Though she’s not the worst offender from Sex and the City, even—the numbers suggest Samantha would be spending more than double what she should (64 percent of monthly income), even with a PR executive’s salary.
Those that had more traditionally financially sound housing were those in roommate situations, with high paying jobs, and/or in less expensive rental markets: Sheldon and Leonard from Big Bang Theory, Jess from New Girl, and Barney from How I Met Your Mother.
Check out the full list of some 80 characters below:
Check out their full report over on RENTCafe.