Venus Flytraps Are Back at Trader Joe’s

Written by

Olivia Harvey
Olivia Harvey
Olivia Harvey is a freelance writer and award-winning scriptwriter from outside Boston, Massachusetts. She’s a big fan of scented candles, getting dressed up, and the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightley. You can make sure she’s doing okay via…read more
published Apr 26, 2022
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Credit: Jonathan Weiss/Shutterstock

Just in time for the buggy season, Venus flytraps are finally back at Trader Joe’s and they’re just as cute as they are useful.

According to several Trader Joe’s fan accounts, the flytraps are being sold for just $4.99. They’re pretty small to start out, but the more you feed them, the bigger they’ll grow. (Insert “Little Shop Of Horrors” joke here.)

VENUS FLY TRAPS are back and they really work!” @traderjoesobsessed wrote in their April 21 Instagram caption. “I somehow can’t manage to keep them alive for more than 3 months but it’s fun to watch them in action! What’s your secret?”

The people in the comments delivered. It seems that Venus flytraps are the perfect houseplant for those who are a bit heavy-handed in the watering department.

“Don’t let the soil go dry!” one commenter wrote under the post, noting that distilled water will yield better results. You can also grab a spray bottle with distilled water to keep the plant moist. “[Rainwater] will REALLY help it thrive, but distilled water will keep it alive. Also, put it in the sunniest windowsill you have.”

Another follower wrote, “I keep them in a dish with an inch of water and refill it when I notice it’s empty — they’re drinking a lot more now that they’re coming out of their dormancy period so I’ve been refilling them every other day.”

This commenter also said that when you notice the traps dying, you can cut off the dead ends and new traps will grow. They’ll likely die off at the end of their active period toward the end of the summer, but keep the plant around because they’ll come back in the spring.

And, of course, your Venus flytraps will love a little snack every once in a while, so leave them in an area where they can attract flies, either inside or out.