The $10 Product Every Parent Should Have in Their Car
One of the best ways to create an organizing system that solves an actual problem is to bring organization to trouble spots. And being realistic about where your clutter spots are is the first step to creating order in messy areas at home. For example, accepting that papers are going to get put on your kitchen counters rather than yelling at everyone (and yourself) for putting things where they don’t belong allows you to consider a solution, such as a paper caddy.
One of our messiest places in need of such a solution isn’t actually in our house, but could reasonably be considered an extension of it: our cars. Even if you don’t have children, it takes deliberate effort to bring everything you tote to the car back out of it. But if you have kids, the battle is much fiercer. From French fries lodged between seats to the graveyard of wrappers and crayons that hopefully haven’t melted in the heat in the back row of the van, kid caravans can become disaster zones.
But one genius mom has a jaw-dropping solution that makes everything you’re toting organized and within reach: hanging shower caddies from the back seat.
How does it work? You simply use the clear pockets to stash diapers, wipes, an extra set of clothes or two, bandages and other first aid items, sunscreen (although beware of storing it in extreme heat), bug spray, snacks, flashlights, ponchos, thank-you cards, hair accessories and more. Add labels to the outside of the pockets for even greater ease of use and so your system can be easily maintained.
The best part is you won’t be using valuable trunk space. Shower caddies in the car use vertical space to stock — and stock well — your home away from home, so you’re prepared for just about anything while you’re out and about.