Before & After: Just Try & Top This Card Catalog
Vintage card catalogs are just one of those items you have to grab if you see them for a reasonable price. Beth snagged a pair that stacked, so she decided to give the lower one a top so it could be used separately. From Beth: These card catalogs are like the holy grail of vintage finds! If you can find them, the prices are usually enormous. I lucked out and found two of these for a pretty good price. They were identical pieces with one sitting on top of the other.
Apr 9, 2015
Before & After: A Plain Chair Slips Into Something More Polished
Jill snagged this basic chair for a buck, and decided it could use some style. Instead of reupholstering, however, she made it a custom slipcover instead: From Jill: Comfy and functional but nondescript in style, this chair was the perfect piece for a makeover project. I picked the chair up at an auction for $1, my hubby fixed the one spring that had ‘sprung’ and I used it as my sewing chair for a few months.
Apr 9, 2015