Be Inspired By This Magical, Mystical RV for Sale Emblazoned with Mr. T Riding a Unicorn
Today in things that really exist that you can buy, allow us to present this 1973 GMC motor home. It’s like your average motor home in a lot of ways, except that this one comes with some inspirational art, in the form of Mr. T riding a unicorn. For those who missed out on the ’80s, Mr. T is an American actor and retired wrestler who most notably starred as B.A. Baracus on the hit show The A-Team, and opposite Sly Stallone as boxer Clubber Lang in 1982’s Rocky III.
Sep 21, 2017
A Young Design Enthusiast’s Carefully Crafted Home
Name: Zane Location: Woodley Park — Washington, DC The basics: 5 weeks, rented — 1,170 square feet As popular CBS sitcom wisdom dictates, a building occupied by three brothers of a certain age should be a mess full of recliners and light-up beer signs. Zane’s crisp and well thought out apartment stands in direct opposition to that particular stereotype, with its muted color scheme and purposeful blend of textures.
Sep 21, 2017
Anthropologie Finds Itself in #Couchgate After Selling Free Sofas, Then Cancelling Orders
For a brief period an almost $8,000 sofa was “free” online at Anthropologie. Here’s how the boho retailer landed itself in what the Twitter-verse has dubbed #Couchgate. On Thursday morning, Anthropologie had listed the Edlyn chaise sectional for zero dollars, plus $150 delivery fee. The sofa actually retails for $3,298 to $7,798, but for a brief window, it was relatively free.
Sep 21, 2017
Organizational Upgrades That Will Make You Feel Like a Totally New Person
Raise your hand if you’re still using storage products that you’ve had since college… or at least, ones that look like they should be in a dorm room. (Don’t worry—I’m right there with you). They’ve done a great job at serving their purpose, but you don’t need to hold onto them forever.
Sep 21, 2017
Here’s What To Snag From World Market’s Multiple Sales
If you’re into the global curated look, then you’re probably quite familiar with (and have spent some money at) World Market. Fortunately, the retailer is having a few sales right now, and we’ve rounded up our favorite finds from each of them. Check them out below: First up, you can get 20 percent off regular priced items with code SEPTSAVE at checkout, and it’s also good for free shipping of orders $150 and above.
Sep 21, 2017
11 Clever Ways to Hack & Repurpose the $15 IKEA FROSTA Stool
Construct - or deconstruct - the perfect home accents from a stool.
Sep 21, 2017
My Mom’s Secret Decorating Weapon (That I Now Kind of Love)
I grew up in a home with a mom who liked to experiment with decor (for better or for worse). Whether it was the lime green and silver vertical-striped accent wall in our living room (that my teenage self thought was pretty rad) or the antique garden bistro set (which she found and spray painted a bright aqua) that lived in a corner of the family room, decor changed faster than hair styles around the Hernandez residence. One thing that was always steadfast?
Sep 21, 2017
Here’s How to Help The Victims of Mexico’s Earthquakes
It’s been a terrifying couple weeks for Mexico, where two earthquakes have rattled the nation, causing deaths and damage. The most recent, a 7.1 magnitude quake on Tuesday, came on the anniversary of the country’s largest earthquake in 1985. We’ve compiled a partial list of organizations helping the victims of these tragedies. Topos, a rescue organization founded during the 1985 quake, is working to extract people from the rubble.
Sep 21, 2017
This Incredibly Easy Kitchen Transformation Involved Some Paint, Sticky Tiles, and Little Else
(Image credit: Maria Jordan) From Kitchn → This Incredibly Easy Kitchen Transformation Involved Some Paint, Sticky Tiles, and Little Else null
Sep 21, 2017
Dominic's Custom-Built 590 Sq Ft Studio
Dominic's Custom-Built 590 Sq Ft Studio
Sep 21, 2017