Our TeamJessica Estrada

Jessica Estrada

About Me

Jessica is a freelance writer based in sunny Los Angeles. When she’s not writing, you can usually find her scrapbooking, eating churros at Disneyland, or on a beachy getaway somewhere.

Latest Stories

5 Mindful Habits that Lead to a Minimalist Home
Whether you're a seasoned minimalist or just want to dip your toes into the minimalism movement, these easy habits will keep your home looking its best.
Nov 1, 2020
5 Things To Do Before Bed Tonight to Have a Stress-Free Monday Morning
Whether you’re a morning person who loves waking up before the sun or you’re known to hit the snooze button one too many times, we all want our mornings to be easy and stress-free. After all, the key to having a good day begins with having a good morning. Luckily, there are a few things you can do the night before to ensure that your morning goes as smooth as possible. Read on for some of our favorite ways to prepare for an easy, breezy morning. Mess equals stress.
May 3, 2019
The Self-Help Books That Changed My Life
I’ll admit it. I’m a self-help book junkie. I’ve been reading them for years and have at least a dozen personal development books on my “to read” list at any given time. I can’t get enough of them. They’re uplifting, inspiring and—most of all—there to help you better your life. What’s not to love? Here, I’m sharing a few of my favorite self-help reads that have made an impact in my life in a major way.
May 3, 2019
The Best Books to Read When You’re Ready to Get Serious About Your Finances
With all the added expenses that come with the holiday season and the time to set your 2017 goals just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get serious about your finances. Here are five money books that are chock-full of wisdom that will help you take your finances to the next level. Whether you want to mend your relationship with money, develop a wealth mindset, or start investing some of your hard-earned cash, there’s a book here for you.
May 3, 2019
I’m Taking a 28-Day Meditation Challenge for 2017
Jessica Estrada is one of six people tracking their resolutions with Apartment Therapy in real time. Meghan Trainor is all about that bass, but me, I’m all about resolutions. Seriously—I love the topic of self-improvement. By day, I’m a freelance writer who creates content on all sorts of lifestyle topics from food to fashion and everything in between. But by night, I’m a bona fide personal development junkie who loves a good challenge in the name of self-growth.
May 3, 2019
How I’m Feeling After Two Weeks of Daily Meditation
Jessica Estrada is one of six people tracking their resolutions with Apartment Therapy in real time. You can read her first installment here. My main intention for these past two weeks was simple: Try to have one mindful moment every single day, flirting with different types of mediations to see what feels right. Heading into the challenge I decided I was going to keep it fun and easy, and I’m happy to say that’s exactly what it has been.
May 3, 2019
How 28 Days of Meditation Has Changed My Life
Jessica Estrada is one of six people tracking their resolutions with Apartment Therapy in real time. You can read her earlier installments here and here. When I set out to meditate for the month of January, I was hoping it would change my life in two ways: reducing my anxiety and cultivating a sense of inner calm. Four weeks later, I’m happy to report that that’s exactly what happened. The change has been subtle but noticeable nonetheless.
May 3, 2019
No Time for Bullet Journaling? Inspiring Daily Planners to Try Instead
It’s no secret we’re fans of bullet journaling here, but we totally get that it’s not for everyone. Bullet journaling requires some time upfront to get it all set up and a dash of creativity to make it look Instagram-worthy. If you’re more of a ready-to-write type of person when it comes to your daily planner, then we suggest checking out our list of chic and cool planners and printables below.
Feb 22, 2017
How Saying No Changed My Life and How It Can Change Yours Too
I used to pride myself in being a “yes girl”. If my girlfriends invited me out for drinks, I said hell yeah even though what I really wanted to do was just spend the night reading in bed. If my boss asked if I could take on an extra assignment, I happily accepted even though I was already feeling overwhelmed. “Yes” was pretty much my automatic response to (almost) everything.
Feb 21, 2017
How To Creatively Document Your Trips: Discover Midori Traveler’s Notebooks
When I was in high school, I was hardcore into scrapbooking (nerdy, I know). I loved being able to document memories in a fun and creative way. I considered taking up the hobby again in more recent years, but when I remembered back to how time consuming and exhausting it was to pick up my big mess when I was done, I quickly decided against it.
Jan 11, 2017
Goal (Dis)oriented: Why I’m Setting Intentions for 2017 Instead of Resolutions
I’ve been setting New Year’s goals and resolutions for like, forever. Every December 31, I sit down to craft a super long list of things I want to achieve in the New Year. Every year, I tick a few things off my list, which feels incredible, but the things I don’t accomplish make me feel like I didn’t do enough. (Sound familiar?) Instead, for 2017, I’m doing things a little differently—opting for New Year’s intentions instead.
Dec 28, 2016
Mindful Money: Habits to Encourage Abundance & Help You Hang on to More of Your Money
When it comes to making more money, we tend to focus on working hard, landing that new job or getting that promotion—often overlooking how powerful our thoughts are at manifesting our reality. When you change your relationship with money, you might find that you’re able to hang on to more of it. Here, I’m sharing four of my favorite money habits that will help keep you in an abundant state of mind. Anytime money flows into your life, feel gratitude for it.
Dec 27, 2016
6 Instagram Must-Follows for the Bullet Journal Obsessed
If you’ve caught the bullet journaling bug and now just can’t stop hunting for layout inspiration, follow these seven bullet journal-obsessed Instagrammers stat. Each feed is brimming with enviable bullet journal photos that will without a doubt get your creative juices flowing and help get your life totally organized. Italian bullet journalist Roberta Ranieri’s feed is filled with beautiful BuJo eye candy. Her layouts are simple, beautiful, and filled with creative doodles.
Dec 23, 2016
5 Things I’m Saying “No” to This Holiday Season
Let’s be real: The holiday season is stressful. While a part of me gets super excited for all the delicious feasts, the festive decorations, the gifts, and the magic that fills the air, another part of me feels overwhelmed. This holiday season, I’m committed to letting go of certain things and taking the pressure off myself so that I can go back to just enjoying the holidays like when I was a kid. Here, five things I’m saying no to this holiday season.
Dec 14, 2016
Get 2017 Off to An Organized Start: Your $50 Bullet Journal Starter Kit
So you’ve decided to start bullet journaling. Welcome to the BuJo club! To get you started, we put together a little starter kit for you with all the goodies you need to kick off your bullet journaling adventure. The best part: It’s pretty wallet-friendly totaling just under $50. → BuJo Curious? The Things to Know About Bullet Journaling Before You Get Started First things first: you need a nice notebook. There’s really no right or wrong notebook for bullet journaling.
Dec 13, 2016
BuJo Curious? The Things to Know About Bullet Journaling Before You Get Started
Bullet journals (or BuJos for short) are definitely having a moment right now. Everywhere you look—Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest—there’s bullet journal fever. If the cult-favorite organizational system has piqued your curiosity but you are not quite sure if it’s for you, we’re walking you through a few key things you need to know before you decide to BuJo or not to BuJo. First off, don’t let the word journal fool you.
Nov 29, 2016
6 Modern Ways to Take Your Gratitude Practice to the Next Level
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to kick your gratitude practice up a notch. Gratitude is a super tool for living a happy life, and the modern way to do it is nothing like the gradeschool-style hand turkeys marked with notions like “I’m thankful for my mom and Lego.
Nov 4, 2016
7 Easy Ways to Save Money While Staying in a Hotel
Whether you’re traveling across the country or just enjoying a staycation in your own neighborhood, time spent at a hotel can get expensive, fast. Aside from throwing down cash for the room rate, there’s also parking fees, room service, and tips—the list goes on. However there are few things you can do that, added up, will save you a nice chunk of money that can be better spent on more important things (read: margaritas and massages).
Oct 14, 2016
How To Bust Through a Creative Block: Good Advice from Great Artists
No matter your profession, creative blocks can and will arise from time to time. One minute you’ll be bursting with originality and enthusiasm—and the next you might feel totally stuck. You’ve probably already heard of all the typical ways to bust through those blocks such as meditating, exercising, and spending time in nature, but here I’m sharing a few different methods you may not have heard of before that will get your creative juices flowing again in no time.
Oct 3, 2016
How To Actually Get a Project Done Before Summer Ends
With just a few weeks until the official end of summer, the clock is ticking on your summer bucket list. If your list includes getting some projects done around the house, consider this your how-to guide on finally get them done.
Sep 4, 2016
6 Travel Destinations that Will Inspire Your Decorating
Ahh summer vacations. We never want them to end. One of the highlights of returning home, however, is being able to infuse your space with some of those unforgettable memories. I’m a big fan of collecting travel treasures, but another way you can keep the vacation vibes going all year long is by allowing the local flavor of the destination itself to inspire your décor.
Aug 26, 2016
7 Reasons It’s Not Too Late for a Summer Vacation
Summer is slowly coming to an end, which means it’s time to get serious about crossing things off your summer bucket list. If you haven’t already taken a summer vacation, make that a top priority. Yes, sunshine-drenched days at the beach and lounging by the pool sipping margaritas are limited, but there’s still plenty of time to plan an epic end-of-summer getaway. Here are seven reasons why now is actually the perfect time to indulge in a delicious summer vacation.
Aug 17, 2016