Our TeamJulie Sprankles

Julie Sprankles

About Me

Julie is an entertainment and lifestyle writer living in the coastal mecca of Charleston, SC. In her spare time, she enjoys watching campy SyFy creature features, DIY-ing any inanimate object within reach, and consuming lots o' tacos.

Latest Stories

The Things No One Tells You About Selling Your House
Buying a home is a momentous time in one’s life and, accordingly, congratulatory pats on the back abound — as does unsolicited advice. Everyone has insight about everything from how to pick the perfect house for you to saving money on home repairs. However, there’s not nearly as much fanfare when it comes time to sell your house.
Oct 3, 2023
Do You Know Difference Between a Hard Loft and a Soft Loft?
In our search for the ideal abode, our realtor asked a seemingly simple yet perplexing question: "Are you interested in a hard loft or a soft loft?"
Nov 16, 2022
10 IKEA Finds (Under $30) Every Homebuyer Needs
Between a down payment, closing costs and that hefty movers fee, there's not a lot of dough left over for all the first-home extras.
Mar 18, 2022
The Old-School Mattress Mistake You Might Be Making
Modern mattresses are a different breed, and in this case, Grandma doesn't know best.
Mar 10, 2021
8 Sneaky Ways to Fit in a Workout Every Day
If I had a dollar for every time I justified skipping a workout because I couldn’t find the time, well, I’d probably have enough money to cover my woefully neglected gym membership for a year. But the reality is it can seem impossible to devote a decent chunk of the day to exercise. Still, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Happily, there are about a million sneaky ways to fit in a workout—even when time is scarce.
Jul 17, 2020
13 Unforgettable Trips Every Harry Potter Fan Should Take
Calling all Potterheads! Take your tired ol’ bucket list and toss it in the trash, because we’re about to write a new one—the only one you’ll ever really need. Why? Because, dear friends, ours is chock full of trips every Harry Potter fan dreams of taking in their lifetime. Bless J.K. Rowling and her brilliant brain for creating a literary world so rich that it spilled into the real world, giving every single one of us a major case of Potter-inspired wander lust.
Jul 15, 2020
How Bad is it to Clean Bare-Handed?
You know you should wear gloves to clean, but knowing and doing are two very different things.
Mar 10, 2020
Why You Should Cut a Corner Off Your Sponge
A little hack that lets you quite literally squeeze your sponge for all it's worth.
Oct 5, 2019
Chill: Easy Ways to Decompress from a Stressful Day
When you’ve been hustling a million miles an hour all day long, the idea of collapsing on the couch and unwinding is like the Holy Grail. Decompressing from the daily grind is easier said than done, though—in order to unwind, your brain might need a nudge. Here are a few simple strategies to boost your mood and help put a stressful day behind you. Literally.
May 3, 2019
8 Grocery Hacks to Make Going Organic Easier on Your Wallet
If you’re one of the 45 percent of Americans who actively try to include organic food in your diet, you know that while organics might be the best fuel we can put into our bodies, it can be quite a drain on a household budget. All it takes is a quick stroll down the organic produce aisle at the grocery store to give you a serious case of sticker shock. For something that is so good for you and good for the globe, it can definitely be bad for your wallet.
May 3, 2019
8 Apps Everyone with Wanderlust Needs to Download ASAP
The days are short and the world is wide, my friends—there’s so much to see out there and seemingly so little time to do it, which is perhaps why some of us (read: me) have an incurable case of wanderlust. And, hey, it’s not exactly a bad habit to have. After all, they say travel is the best teacher. Still, there will be days when you can’t afford to satiate your thirst for someplace new, and that’s OK too. There’s nothing wrong with pacing yourself!
May 3, 2019
17 Real-Life Places Straight Out of Nostalgic Movies & TV
There are certain places that feel like home even though we’ve only seen them on a screen. Whether it’s a restaurant, coffee shop, hotel, a home, or some other edifice, the locales from our favorite nostalgic movies and TV shows seem to take on a life of their own. They become supporting cast members, in a way. As you might expect, many of these places are fabricated on studio lots in the Los Angeles area. Others are merely shells that are demolished once filming is done.
May 3, 2019
6 Creative Ways to Use the Space in Kids’ Closets
You know what’s so great about kids’ clothes? Aside from the fact they are so darn cute you kind of wish they came in your size too, they don’t take up a lot of room. If your kid’s room has at least one large-ish dresser, you’ve pretty much got storage for their clothing covered. And that, crafty mamas, means you can use the storage space in your kid’s closet in a fun way.
May 3, 2019
Before They Were Famous: Photos of Your Favorite HGTV Stars
Before they were our favorite home and design gurus, HGTV stars were normal people, too. In fact, they were so normal that they, like the rest of us, couldn’t escape particularly cringe-worthy moments of growing up. And, thanks to the stars’ senses of humor and #tbt, we get a glimpse into those days. Here’s a look back at some of the most adorable (and awkward) moments captured in time by HGTV hosts like Chip and Joanna Gaines and Genevieve Gorder.
May 3, 2019
Is it OK to Wash Cleaning Supplies and Clothes Together? We Have the Answer
You know how it goes — it’s been a minute since you did a load of laundry, so you roam the house scooping up soiled clothes. When you happen upon the moist dish rags in the sink and the cleaning cloths you recently used to wipe down the counters, you toss those in, too. Hey, we’ve all done it. But is it even OK to wash your cleaning supplies and clothes together? The question, of course, isn’t whether you can. It’s whether you should.
May 3, 2019
7 Things You Can Do With the Space Under a Kid’s Bed
If you ask a feng shui expert about the space under a bed, they’re going to tell you to keep it clear — that putting anything in that space will block energy from circulating around your body when you sleep. So, basically, they’re going to tell you the exact opposite of what I’m about to suggest. But as a mother of two little ones, I find the space under kids’ beds to be prime real estate.
May 3, 2019
The Mega List of Things to Do Together in Bed (That Have Nothing to Do With Sex or TV)
Let’s preface this by stating clearly that there is absolutely nothing wrong with sex or TV. They’re both fantastic when enjoyed with a loving partner (or by yourself). But whether your relationship is brand new or you’ve been together so long you’re inadvertently starting to dress the same, building intimacy as a couple is important. And real intimacy, well, that can sometimes take more than just a little Netflix and chill.
May 3, 2019
8 Sneaky Ways your Bedroom is Sabotaging your Sex Life
It’s the end of the day, and you crawl beneath the sheets next to your significant other with a *certain* expectation (cue bedroom eyes). Then, something happens — and, spoiler alert, it’s not sex. You get distracted. Or your partner does. Long story short? The only things going down in that bedroom are libidos. If your bedroom is more fizzle than sizzle lately, it might be time to re-examine the source.
May 3, 2019
This is When We Think Fixer Upper’s Joanna Gaines is Due
Ever since news broke that the husband-wife hosting duo of HGTV’s Fixer Upper would be welcoming another little farm hand into their impeccably shiplapped home, one pressing curiosity has intrigued fans: when is Joanna Gaines’ due date? Aside from the official announcement, she and Chip haven’t offered up any more intel on their fifth child. So, naturally, that leaves one option — playing the ol’ due date guessing game.
May 3, 2019
Neat Freaks Might Just Be Superior Humans, According to Science
Do you have cleaning wipes at the ready at all times? Does sweeping make you feel Zen? Have you been taking flak from your friends for years for being a quote-unquote neat freak? Well then do we have some good news for you. People who like to clean are supposedly happier, according to research recently conducted by The Clorox Company (who, of course, it deserves to be noted might have a vested interest).
May 3, 2019
One Genius Way to Reuse All Those Takeout Sauce Packets
You know the drill. You order Chinese takeout, it arrives, and you pull everything out of the brown paper grocery sack in preparation to chow down on some chow mein. But when you reach the bottom of the bag, you’re distracted by a question nagging your brain: How could one person possibly use all of these sauce packets? How many people do they think you were ordering for? And why is the number of sauce packets so disproportionate to the number of fortune cookies?
May 3, 2019
The Skincare Secret That’s Been Hiding in Your Linen Closet
Waking up with linen lines imprinted on your face is no fun, but it’s hard to resist the urge to snuggle into a soft, cozy pillow at night. Especially since you’re, you know, asleep. But sleep-you doesn’t necessarily know what’s best, which is why she needs awake-you to be the voice of reason. And for both your sakes, it’s time to pull out those satin pillowcases you stuffed inside the closet long ago.
May 3, 2019
This Common Mistake Might Be Costing You Money & Ruining Your Clothes
Oh yes, there is a wrong and a right way to wash laundry, and you're probably doing it wrong. No more lazy laundering, y'all.
May 3, 2019
How Bad Is It To Sleep With Makeup On?
More nights than I care to admit, I work into the wee hours of the morning, slinging words so I can pay for important things like Netflix and magnetic eyelashes. When I finally drag my tired body toward the bedroom, I have just enough energy left to brush my teeth before crashing. But as I fall asleep to the symphonic range of my husband’s snoring, I often wonder just how bad it is for me to skip washing my face. Is the good skincare fairy going to come down and bop me on the head?
May 3, 2019
How Often Should You Wash Your Bras?
People, let’s talk undergarments. We’re all on the same page when it comes to underwear—and that page most certainly says they should be washed after each use. But have you ever stopped for a minute to consider how often you should wash your bra? If your answer is no, well, you’re definitely not doing it enough. And if your answer is yes, you’re probably still not doing it enough.
May 3, 2019
You Probably Don’t Want to Touch These 5 Things in Your Rental Apartment
So you’re moving into a new place—how exciting! Sure, the whole packing and unpacking routine gets old quick, but few things can fill you with a sense of renewal more than rolling out a fresh welcome mat. What’s not nearly as fun, of course, is getting an irate phone call from your landlord somewhere down the line. Or, worse yet, being evicted. Most of us file such a dramatic possibility under the “that could never happen to me” column.
Mar 15, 2019
3 Things You’re Forgetting to Pay Attention to When You’re Shopping for a Home (And 3 to Ignore)
If you’re in the market for a house, first of all, congrats! Buying a home is one of the most rewarding—albeit at times exasperating—things you’ll do in your life. By the time you’re ready to buy, you likely have a sufficient grasp on the basic necessities: a solid foundation, a roof that doesn’t leak, wiring that won’t cause your new home to spontaneously combust, and so on. But what about the other stuff you should be mindful of?
Jan 20, 2019
How To Give Your New Home Good Energy
Why bring that negative energy into your new home?
Sep 18, 2018
Experts On: What NOT to Do When You’re Trying to Get a Mortgage
While buying a home is one of the most exciting and rewarding things you’ll do in your life, it can also undoubtedly be one of the most stressful. This is due in no small part to the mortgage approval process which, at its best, is tricky and, at its worst, downright perplexing. When I purchased my first home, I felt like I had sufficiently done my research.
Aug 28, 2018
10 Bad Habits that are Costing You Money
Have you ever wondered where your money disappears to each month? You work hard; you know you make it—yet it seems as though you never have any, or at least not as much as you think you should after you pay your bills (and Uncle Sam takes his portion). It’s like it goes into some giant universal dryer that only spits out part of what you put in—obviously stashing the rest of it away in that secret place where the matches to all of your socks are sent.
May 29, 2018
We’re All Using Clorox Wipes Wrong, Apparently
A microbiologist pointed out there's a 4-minute rule printed right on the package.
May 20, 2018
Why You Should Always Steal the Shower Cap From the Hotel
Who among us hasn’t snatched a tiny hotel toiletry (or 10) in our time? Let she without blame cast the first miniature moisturizer bottle. For the record, though, why would they leave them out if they didn’t want you to take them? We say keep growing your collection. And while you’re at it, make you don’t forget the most underrated of items: the humble hotel shower cap. You may be wondering, “But, why? Like, why?
Apr 9, 2018
9 Simple Sponge Hacks Everyone Should Know
For such an unassuming object, kitchen sponges are kind of rock stars. In addition to being responsible for getting our dishes and utensils clean, these thirsty squares can be repurposed in ways we haven’t even thought of yet. But, rest assured, the ways we do know of prove pretty darn ingenious.
Mar 11, 2018
10 Things From Your Childhood That Could be Worth Money
Growing up, you couldn’t have put a dollar sign on my Polly Pocket collection – those tiny plastic people and their tiny plastic pastel furniture were priceless to me. But now, I’ve got bills to pay. And truth be told, I’d sell Polly and her whole tiny plastic family down the river for a tidy chunk of cold hard cash.
Mar 4, 2018
So… Is it OK to Pee in the Shower?
We’ve all been there. Just after the ceremonial un-robing that occurs prior to hopping in the shower and closely following the forthcoming cascade of water from the shower head — your bladder beckons. But it seems like a lot of work to get out of the shower, grab a towel, dry off, and make your way back to the commode. So you ask yourself the age-old question, “To pee or not to pee?” Yep, we’re going there. Don’t worry; we’re all friends here.
Feb 8, 2018
What Exactly is a Coverlet? And How is it Different from Other Bedding?
When it comes time to choose bedding for your home, you’ll find plenty of options. From solids to prints, synthetics to natural materials, designer brands to bed-in-a-bag sets — but before you make any of those decisions, you must first figure out which type of bedding you want. And this is where we delve into one of life’s little mysteries: the difference between coverlets and other kinds of bedding.
Feb 5, 2018