Before & After: A Funky Family Bathroom
Lesley took a pretty major bathroom problem and turned it into a wonderful design opportunity. She set about putting the “do” back “mildew” (sorry) and ended up with a gorgeous new bathroom!
From Lesley: This is a small family bathroom in our 1950s ranch home. It was pretty dated when we moved in but functional…until the floor started rotting and growing mildew, that is. When we realized we had a big problem to be dealt with we decided to give the room a total redo in the process.
It is used by my 5 and 7 year olds, (and me!) I wanted it to be funky, modern, bright & cheery.
Our awesome contractor, Avi at Finesse Remodeling, gave me guidance when I needed it, but I designed the look and selected all the finishes. I tried to mix modern with fun details…green knobs, pom-poms, patterned floor, and to keep it kid friendly. We have been really happy with it so far!
Thank you, Lesley!