The Best Bluetooth Headphones, No Matter Your Budget
Safe to say, Bluetooth headphones are pretty much standard for everyday listening nowadays. Whether you’re commuting with a podcast, exercising with a playlist, or just trying to make a phone call, it’s easy to enjoy the physical flexibility of wireless headphones. If you’re an iPhone user, your device doesn’t even have a headphone jack anymore (quelle horreur!), so wireless is really your only option these days.
Audiophiles lament the loss of sound quality that happens when you switch away from wired headphones, but most listeners probably won’t notice the difference. And the convenience is well worth the imperceptible drop in quality, in my opinion. You can walk anywhere and do anything, tangle free, from across the room or with your phone safely secured in a pocket.
If you’re concerned about air travel, you should know that the FAA allows for short-range Bluetooth to be used on flights, and your smartphone probably keeps Bluetooth connectivity activated even in airplane mode. Still, most of the bigger on-ear and over-ear headphone styles on this list also come with headphone cords that plug into the cups to make your wireless headphones wired (which extends the battery life, too). It’s also worth mentioning that almost every headphone on the list — from the tiniest earbuds to the big over-ear cans — comes with a protective carrying case. In fact, I found that among each type of headphone, most models have strikingly similar features across brands.
Your decision should come down mostly to comfort, style, and the all-important (if subjective) “do these sound good to me?” test. Even to an untrained ear, sound definitely gets better and richer when you’re willing to spend a little more. But each of the headphones below wins our seal of approval.