The 2-Ingredient Drink That Gets Me Through Every Dry January
The holidays hit me hard. I’m a food maximalist, so the period between late November and early January is … a lot. I tend to indulge in all manner of rich, cozy food projects, from short ribs braised in red wine to sausage rolls to rum balls. Then there are all the treats gifted from friends and family — assorted Christmas cookies, chocolate fudge, and homemade candy. And of course, let us not forget the onslaught of festive holiday cocktails. It comes from all sides. By the time I emerge into January proper, I’m basically 65% butter and 35% sugar.
With that in mind, like many, I try to pump the brakes a bit early in the year. I make big pots of vegetable-filled soups and tons of grain bowls, and ignore any bottles of alcohol remaining in the house. While there is no shortage of non-alcoholic drinks on the market that mimic the experience of having a drink, whenever I have a craving for a cocktail but don’t feel like drinking, I make myself a simple two-ingredient drink that scratches that itch perfectly: bitters and tonic.
Why Bitters and Tonic Is the Perfect Dry January Drink
Bitters and tonic is the perfect non-alcoholic beverage for when I don’t want to drink, but have a craving for a tipple. The flavor is very reminiscent of a cocktail without the need for liquor. Fizzy tonic water, with its unique quinine flavor, and a few splashes of classic Angostura bitters hit the main notes of a basic cocktail, but with almost zero alcohol. I say almost because technically bitters do contain alcohol, but the percentage is so small that it’s irrelevant, in my opinion.
As someone who generally opts for a simple cocktail without a lot of bells and whistles, I don’t need much when it comes to a non-alcoholic beverage. Pre-made cocktails and even homemade mocktails often include more ingredients than I’m interested in, as well as some kind of sweetener, which I also find off-putting after all the holiday treats. Another bonus: I don’t have to go out into the cold to buy ingredients, because I almost always have bitters and tonic in the house already.
Give it a try the next time you’re in the mood for a cocktail, but don’t actually feel like drinking.
Tips for Making Bitters and Tonic
- Use individual cans of tonic water. These are perfect for making one drink. Even better, you avoid spoiling a larger bottle, which will begin to go flat the instant you open it.
- Add a little citrus. While this drink is lovely on its own, I find a little splash of lemon juice brightens it up even more. I bet lime or orange would also be a welcome addition.
- Try different flavors of bitters. I usually make this with Angostura bitters, but bitters come in a truly incredible amount of flavors, so you could really customize this drink to your tastes.
This post originally ran on The Kitchn. See it there: The 2-Ingredient Drink That Gets Me Through Every Dry January