Why Everyone Should Start a Bullet Journal

Written by

Taryn Williford
Taryn Williford
Taryn is a writer, editor, content strategist, and homebody from Atlanta. I might have helped you declutter your apartment through the magic of a well-paced email newsletter. Or maybe you know me from The Pickle Factory Loft on Instagram.
published May 20, 2018
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(Image credit: Nicole Baas Photography)

If you were one of the folks—like me—hoping bullet journals would be a flash-in-the-pan lifestyle trend, I have to report that we’re wrong. Bullet journals are here to stay.

Why did I write off bullet journals for so long? (Pun absolutely intended.) Well to me, they seemed like they existed as a sort of vanity project—an Instagram-worthy journal where perfect people can showcase the elements of their perfect life in perfect handwriting. But that’s so not the case, at least not for everyone.

To prove what a versatile, useful and life-changing resource a bullet journal can be, we talked to a handful of really smart people from many different walks of life. The one thing they have in common? They’re bullet journalers.

Each person uses their journal differently, tailored to their own life (that customization is one major factor in what makes “bujos” so handy for organizing your day-to-day life). In the video above, we asked our journalers to share some of their favorite ways to bujo—from meal planning to mood trackers, TBR book lists to emotional tributes. These real people have found some brilliant ways to turn what could have been a quick trend into a lasting part of their lives.

As one of our bujo’ers put it: “It makes me almost feel like a CEO of myself… You matter enough to have a little bit of your life written down.”

Want to hear more from our bullet journalers? Catch the next video: 5 Things Die-Hard Bullet Journalers Want to Teach You