One Man Built Custom Kitty Towers for His Cats, and They’re Pretty Pawesome
An attempt to improve the quality of life for his cat has inadvertently led to a blossoming business for one man. Windsor, Connecticut resident Rob Coutu decided to build a couple of towers for his furry companions because everyone knows cats love to perch and keep tabs on everything that’s going on with their unimpressive humans.
Rob went above and beyond with his thoughtful project. Situated at both corners of the room, the two towers resemble charming multi-level apartment buildings, complete with tiled porches with columns, balconies, painted trimmed window boxes with decorative flowers, exterior light fixtures and shingled rooftops. There’s even a neatly manicured lawn for each tower. A mini-suspension bridge connects the two structures, allowing cats to easily cross from one building to the other.
Obviously, a ton of of work went into the towers, the second of which is still under construction. Rob tells Bored Panda that costs to date are at $3,500, but the enjoyment the cats have received from their new vertical hangout spot so far is priceless.
“Zach has been very involved from the start. I can’t even find a word that best describes how much he loves it and how much he uses it.”
Since displaying his handiwork online, Rob has received requests from admirers who want cat towers of their own.
“I started this page to showcase the project I did for the love of my two cats, although my Savannah cat became possessive of both of them and won’t let the other one use them, but at least he uses them all day long,” Rob wrote on Facebook. “Because of the demand, I am considering making them for people as a custom install, once I have sorted out all the legal stuff,” he added.
For now, Rob is still working out the details on setting up his business, but he also noted that he won’t be building any towers until “the dangers of COVID-19 have passed.”