How to Make Grocery Store Roses Look Expensive, According to a TikTok Florist
Treating yourself to grocery store flowers is a sweet little luxury that can bring some color and brightness to your space for a few days without breaking the bank. And even if you don’t pay a ton for them, it still stings to spend some money and watch your bouquet wilt within days of bringing it home.
One floral designer recently shared his top tips for grocery store roses, specifically, and you’re going to want to take some notes. “This is the best tip for your supermarket roses,” said Alexander Campbell (aka TikTok’s @acfloralstudio).
“First, take all the leaves off.” Then, “You need to take off the guard petals — these ugly ones,” referring to the outer petals that tend to brown and lose their shape first. “Then you have to reflex your roses, so basically turn the bottom third of the petals over your thumb.” This move gives the roses a more open, fully blossomed look, instantly elevating your store-bought roses into a gorgeous art piece.
The clip quickly went viral, racking up nearly 16 million views, more than two million likes, and thousands of comments from users mesmerized by his technique. Some pointed out the obvious — that you’ll want to be super careful when handling roses in case they have thorns. Others debated the efficacy of reflexing the petals, sharing that it might actually cause them to die faster than they would if you let them bloom naturally.
“While this looks really pretty, your flowers won’t last as long if you reflex them like that,” shared one commenter. “Also be sure to cut the stems every few days.” Someone who works in a flower shop confirmed that customers who request reflexed petals experience a shorter lifespan for their bouquets than ones who don’t. Another flower shop employee suggested gently twisting the petals open with your hand, which offers the same effect without shortening the lifespan of the flowers.
Of course, your mileage may vary, so it’s not a bad idea to give these tips a try one time and see how it works out — especially if you snag a particularly cheap bouquet and you’re OK with some experimenting. And certainly be cognizant of any thorns to prevent injury.