Happy Evenings at Home: 5 Things to Do the Moment Work’s Over
How you spend your days, as the saying goes, is how you spend your life. And because work takes up such a huge chunk of many of our lives, it’s worth examining the other chunks — the small moments in the evenings after work — to see how one might improve that time so you’re not just living for the weekends.
Put things where they belong
If you tend to leave a trail of work-day items across your home as you come home from work — work instead to put those items up and away as soon as you walk through the door. That goes for briefcases, coats, shoes and purses, as well as things like the mail and more.
Check in, connect and center
Make connecting with others your priority. After all items are put up, check in with your loved ones, your roommate, your pets or, if you live alone, check in with yourself! Consider pouring a cup of tea to relive the good moments of the day (or be grateful the not-so-good moments are over).
Cook an easy-to-make meal
Good nutrition is the cornerstone to a healthy life, and using your space to feed yourself is a great way to enjoy your home. But don’t feel like the task has to be Herculean; you can make an easy weeknight meal so you have more time to relax and enjoy home after work.
From The Kitchn → Quick Weeknight Meals
Spend a little time on a hobby, habit or goal
Have a home habit you’re trying to master? Put in a little time — even if it’s just 20 or 30 minutes. Have a personal goal you’re working on? Set an hour aside for it. Just want to be more creative or read more? Put it on the schedule every weeknight that you can.
Prep for the next day
Make your next day run a little faster and smoother (and therefore your next evening be a little nicer, too) by doing a little bit of prep work the night before.
Re-edited from a post originally published 3.4.15-NT