It’s Scorpio Season: Your November Home Horoscope

updated May 3, 2019
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(Image credit: Kath Nash)

Power up your flashlights for a deep dive into basements, and far beneath the bed, spatial voyagers. November’s cosmic mix finds us prepping for a full-throttle karmic clean out. Find pleasure in the purge, as you swap out past lives for future furniture.

The astral plane is dominated by the Sun in Scorpio, which gifts us the glow-in-the-dark chance to make peace with every part of ourselves. The queen of all things intensely intimate, Scorpio urges us to feel into our primal desires and to banish self-critique along with the dust bunnies. Accompanied by Venus Retrograde traveling through Libra, and mind-expanding Jupiter shifting into Sagittarius, we’re invited to get super curious about our soul-shaking transformations. How can you envision what’s passing away from your parlor as a gateway for a thrilling leap into a brand new floor plan?

With powerhouse Mars entering the sea-kissed caves of Pisces, and the North Node of collective destiny slipping and sliding into intuitive Cancer, there’s an opportunity to find strength in our softness, and to champion our tenderest places. All in all, it’s a profoundly human month for embracing our raw realness, and relishing the rollicking ride. Let your closet storage spill over without a trace of shame.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: Happy birth month, sensation-seeking scuba diver! November invites you to feast fully on the entirety of your feeling nature, and to reckon with your deep desire to show up in your humanness with no shame. Yet rather than a go hard or go home mentality, this particular November wants you to discover some of the badassery inside of softness, and the delicious juice inside of your intensity. You know that this life matters more than most of us, Scorpio. Treat this like joie de vivre rather than a death sentence.

In Your Space: Love up on all the birth-death-rebirth cycles by incorporating the concept of transformation into your aesthetic. Think fresh roses that become dried petals, lava lamps, prisms, hourglasses, and wind chimes. Anything that reminds you of the ephemeral gift of living, and changes over time, is favored. And rather than funeral palettes and drawn curtains, can you find a sense of lushness in the underground? Swap out heavy velvets or dark wood for gilded, palatial accents, cut crystals, and mirrored surfaces that remind you of the aspirational energies that exist beyond your lair.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: Jupiter entry into your sign for year-long sojourn is major news, Sagittarius, and you’re prepping for an expansive lift off in all directions. But rather than a license to let loose with no consciousness or clarity, this shift wants you to harness cosmic energy for the truly aligned changes that are built to last. With Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign this month as well, there’s a deep invitation to commune with your internal credo and revise any beliefs that have been holding you back. What’s your theme song, Sag? Choose it wisely and then sing it loud and proud to the world.

In Your Space: Liberation and loosening are your design guides this month, Sag, and you’re asked to open up any darkened spaces and let the light saturate all corners. Pay particular attention to anything that reflects your worldview and perspective. Polish glass, clean windows, and reconsider your chosen art pieces. Does what you’re gazing upon feel like it fits the adventurous journey you’re planning and the consciousness expansion you’re undergoing? If not, swap out old pieces for open road aesthetics and technicolored accents that remind you of the wild possibilities of living without borders.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: This month’s cosmic wildness may have your sometimes buttoned up vibrations in a bunch, but you can actually utilize all this animalism to return you to your instinctual nature. Though you sometimes get a rep for being all boardroom and no boudoir, you’re actually an earth sign, and like earth babes, you live in and all the body, first and foremost. What does the ground feel like beneath your feet? What feels good to feed on? Let this month be all about the pure sensation of living, without it having to add up to accolades and finish lines.

In Your Space: Get rooted and rustic in your space, as you strip it all down to the bare bones and build up your stability from a blank slate. Clear any clutter both mercilessly and lovingly, and consider how your furniture can actually feed you. Treat the bricks and mortar like vitamins, and feel into the fabrics, palettes, and materials you want to assimilate into your physical body as if they were a delicious dish. Find inspo in farm-to-table restaurant design, the American heartland, and hunting lodges. Returning to your cave each day should feel both carnal and queenly.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: After last month’s dance with messy human gorgeousness, you’re more primed than ever for the plunge into Scorpio territory, Aquarius. And with your ruler, Uranus, retrograding back into Aries, it’s a fully-flamed month for considering exactly how you’re wielding your power and where you’re placing your energy. More than any other sign, you have a deep calling to transform the collective through radicalism and humanitarianism. No matter what scale this is occurring on in your life, consider how your personal changes can be a catalyst and inspiration for those around you.

In Your Space: Take your design cues from revolutionary aesthetics of all stripes. Any place you’ve been holding back, or element you think is “too much” is a go right now. Put particular attention on communal spaces where you can join forces with friends and family to affect transformation. Think rec rooms, living rooms, and patios. Let this feel like a summer BBQ party, regardless of the season. French doors, tiki lights, serving trays, hearths, white boards, and dart boards. Let your space crack open to shared emotions.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: You’re part of a powerful water trinity this month, Pisces, as Mars’ entry into your sign is accompanied by the North Node in Cancer and Sun in Scorpio. Consider your particular flavor of water power, and the transformations you’re able to affect when you wield your emotional oceans with conscious clarity. Purge any traces of victim mentality, as you take ownership over your emotional landscape and choose to channel your feelings clearly rather than to let them simply carry you away. Whatever you’ve been dreaming of can be made concrete now, Pisces. And while there’s a certain loss that accompanies this process of incarnation, there are also enormous finds.

In Your Space: Embrace a bit of linearity and shape in your space, rather than drifting into amorphous dreamland right now. How can hard edges and clear delineation between rooms actually facilitate an easier flow through your home? Re-up your commitment to smart storage and filing systems, and ensure that everything that’s gracing a surface is something you actually want to gaze upon on the regular. Pay particular attention to any “bleeding” between rooms, as you sometimes have a tendency to leave a trail of items as you go. Putting everything in its right place is a cause to rejoice right now, Pisces.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: After last month’s cardinal sign mega mix, November dawns surprisingly restorative for you, Aries. Take your foot off the pedal and harness the wild pony sensations of Jupiter’s shift into fellow fire sign, Sagittarius, as you recapture your risk tolerant capacity for radical leaps. With Pisces and Cancer energy cooling down your flames, this journey can feel healing rather than heat exhausted. Give yourself the pleasure of pure pleasure, flame thrower. Roasted marshmallows are so much tastier than scorched earth.

In Your Space: No matter your current design aesthetic, think beachside bungalow in Malibu circa 1972. Ladies of the canyon, indoor/outdoor collisions, and light wood are your best friends. How can you aerate your space to help you find a sense of buoyant circulation in your emotional life? Let it all feel like a sweet getaway that’s surprisingly integrated into your daily rather than an escape hatch. Add small sun-kissed accents like pops of lemon yellow and seashells, and let your life shine on with stylistic simplicity.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: Your mastery with change and release continues, dear Taurus, as Scorpio’s polar energy urges you into your own transformative deep-end. Luxuriate in penetrating beneath the surface, and face up to what’s ready to shift form as you sample all the flavors of snakeskin and old shells. With your ruler, Venus, still retrograde for the first half of the month, let this be an inward facing time of private boudoirs as you assess what you actually want to receive. The month’s second half will find you fully prepared to let your desires rip on a ripe and ready world.

In Your Space: Think high-end hotelier meets Halloween party this month, Taurus, and trick out your space like a lush and plush suite built for a siren. Up your thread count, add gold trim, and swap plastic for marble to remind yourself of the gravity and value of your very existence while you’re playing with the notion of transformation in all its guises. Before you luxuriate too deeply in newfound stability, find some release in the moments in between the drawing out of old items and the actual purge. Review emotional connections to pieces from your past before you take them out to the trash, and let this process remind you not to fear all the selves you’ve once been and have yet to become.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: November asks you to penetrate far beyond the buzz of the brain, Gemini, as a pack of water signs invite you to get comfy with uncomfy emotions, rather than analyzing them out of existence. But before you let this strike fear in your butterfly-winged heart, remember that one of your primary gifts is your capacity for curiosity. And with your polar sign, Sagittarius, occupying the planetary placements of Mercury and Jupiter, you’re on a profound mission to find the “why” of your very existence. Enjoy the ride, Gemini, wherever it may lead.

In Your Space: This month’s deep dives and nomadic unfoldings call for a drawing to the surface of anything that’s been lingering in your closet. Perhaps there’s a piece from your past that’s longing to be showcased once again. Place primary focus on spaces of retreat and healing, like bedrooms and bathrooms, and make these feel deeply supportive so you have the sustenance you need to do the emotional work. Fresh pillows, loveseats, vanity tables, new towels and bath oils. Behind the scenes spatial consideration will soothe any fears about exploring messier emotions.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: With the Moon’s North Node shifting into your sign for the next year and a half, heralding an eclipse cycle that will rock and roll you towards some delicious emotional shifts, think of November as your powerhouse party starter. You are coming into communion with a whole new way of wielding your feelings, and validating your right to be the sensitive crab cake you were born to be. Bring your wildest yearnings to the table without apology, and treat your tenderness like a superpower.

In Your Space: Place your feelings front and center by playing with the boundary between public and private spaces. How could your foyer or living room feel more like your bedroom? Think fluffy pillows and personal photos that invite guests to get comfy with what lives inside of you. While you’re at it, make sure windows and doors feel easy, breezy, and ready to expose some of what’s been kept hidden away. How does your space “flow” when you walk through it in its entirety? Clear clutter to facilitate emotional lubrication.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: With your penchant for mythologizing the mundane, you’re perpetually poised to infuse poetry and performance into even the grayest of matter, glitter kitten. This November finds you recapturing your flair for the dramatic with verve and vigor. Scorpio energy kicks up your urge for adoration. Can you envision objects of desire as powerful pathways back to your own pumping heart? With the North Node’s epic shift out of your sign, you’re also invited to take a bow for all of the loving labors you’ve endured since May 2017. How have you answered the call of destiny since then? Treat your emotional shifts to an ice cream sundae of sparkles.

In Your Space: This month gives you artistic license to go completely over-the-top, Leo. But rather than blind shopping sprees and rococo madness, treat this as an opportunity to hone in on exactly how your home style is feeding you right now. Literally every object you look upon can bring you into deeper communion with the person you are, and are becoming. Let the shades be saturated and emboldened, the fabrics feel like second skin, and the tabletops be ready for feasting. Focus in on dining and coffee tables, where you can serve up your personal style on a platter.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: While you sometimes favor asceticism over full-throttle pleasure seeking, this month’s energy urges you to get fresh and fierce with the more primal parts of your experience. Alongside Scorpio, you share a cosmic penchant for carrying more than your share of the emotional burden, and November invites you to place yourself back in the driver’s seat of your own desire nature. Where can swap trepidation and careful calculation for a little experiential learning and wildness? This month wants to remind you that there are no screw ups, Virgo, and that you’re entitled to as much humanness as the rest of us.

In Your Space: What would it mean to make your space more inhabitable, Virgo? Start by noticing anything you’ve put inside of it because of how you think it might look to others, or because you’ve read somewhere that it’s how you’re supposed to design it. What are your stylistic urges, Virgo, that can’t be contained by dominant aesthetics or tight lines? Embrace the curvilinear and take cues from Art Nouveau‘s organic sexiness. Think conch shells and Georgia O’Keeffe’s promiscuous flowers, rather than fine linens and flat surfaces.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: Last month’s deep dives into intimate communion with all your bits continues, Libra. But with Venus retrograde entering your turf again, and then stationing direct, and a pack of Sagittarius planets refueling your quest towards the castle in the sky, you’re finding a place for your high-minded ideals. How can you integrate what’s on hand with what you long for it to become, Libra? Become a champion for the possible, again, Libra, and wield your sharp sword in the battles that truly matter to your heart and soul.

In Your Space: Let majesty and grace dominate your space, as you prime yourself to recapture the castle. Bleach your linens. Polish your wood. But make sure to let this process feel deliciously cleansing rather than a kind of compulsive denial that dirt exists in the first place. Find traces of spring in your space, despite the season, with eggshell palettes, fresh blooms, and new lampshades. You are poised to both see exactly what’s here in your closets and cabinets, and to summon the courage to change it. It’s a prime month for reupholstering, repainting, and repurposing old pieces to fit a brand new light of day.